
Hello ladies,


We are at the end of the year, 2023 in the month of December and as usual, this community will surely provide interesting topics for us to write about.

For this week #165, I chose the second topic because I feel that it really applies to me. I really want to travel so that I can relieve the stress from work that I have been experiencing lately.

2️⃣Would you accept an all-expenses paid trip to another country but it means spending the holiday alone? Why or why not?

Traveling alone? For me, it's not a problem. Even during my almost 20 years of work experience, there were times when I had to travel alone. From Sabah to Sarawak, or to the Peninsular Malaysia.

It has become my habit to go to a new place and learn how to get there without a companion. What's certain is that we have to be brave enough to ask around and be prepared in advance by reading about the place we want to go to when we are alone.

Actually, I prefer to travel alone because I am the one who determines everything about my journey and how much time I want to spend in a certain place without being disturbed by anyone else.

If I were asked which country I would like to go to, it would definitely be South Korea. This country remains my top choice besides Istanbul or Switzerland. And before going there, I would definitely try to learn their basic language to make it easier for me.

Traveling alone for me has its pros and cons, no matter where we go, there are always pros and cons whether we are alone or with friends. What's important is that when we are in a foreign country, we should respect their customs and culture.

It seems that's all I can elaborate on the topic we have for this week. And for those who are interested in participating, you can follow the link that I have highlighted for all of you.

Thank you for taking the time to read my writings for this week's contest. I hope this end of the year can give you all a lively life and memories with your beloved family and friends. Season Greetings in advance to all of you. 🎄🎁❤️


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