RE: Digging Out

There was an email from him this morning. He has had electricity until yesterday when they started doing rolling blackouts. The town's water pipes froze up so they were without water for a couple days. His stepdaughter works at the local truck stop and the lot is jammed with semi trucks because they can't pump fuel when they don't have electricity and all of the diesel is gelled up. They can't let people in to use the restrooms because without electricity there sanitation system does not work , so many truckers have been using the woods out behind the truck stop. Many people have been sleeping in their cars to stay warm and then they go to the gas station when they run their cars low on gas and realize that the pumps don't work without electricity.
I told him he needs to write this up in a post, but I doubt if he will. It is supposed to begin warming up there in a few days.

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