Ladies of hive community contest t#184//My greatest lessons becoming a mother

Hello beautiful ladies, I am so delighted to be with you again on week contest #184. I am thrilled and elevated by the amazing topics for the week. A warm embrace and bear hug to the Judge of the week @trucklife-family and cuddle with thumb ups to @dreemport for their great support to the week's Contest and more.

The sun is shining so brightly over here and it is a sign of rainy season fast approaching, May is a season of fruitfulness and growth, trusting the week to be awesome for us all.
My greatest lessons as a mother is indeed rewarding and challenging.

Motherhood is challenging,truth must be told!!!
I had to face the problem of raising my kids and balancing employment. I was working as banker then, twelve years ago and I was in operations unit department which had to do with cash and balancing,we work 8am -4pm, though nursing mothers were told to go home by latest 2pm but if you hadn't balanced your cash, you can leave work place.

I struggled to get good sleep, because you need to wake up early breastfeed, make ready lunch packs for my son who is older and make sure the feeding of other members of the family is sorted before going to work in the morning.

I had to create time out of no time to spend quality time with the children, so they don't feel lonely,but loved, know their friends so they are not bullied ,abused or suffer peer pressure etc.
Helping them with their homework where the need arises, having a good communication with their class teachers, to be abreast of the happenings in the school, in the days of sports, culture, speech and prize giving day, birthdays,excursions, home economics days(cooking practical or project days)

Households chores was a challenge, meeting up ,to ensure the kitchen, toilets, sitting rooms were clean, to ensure the home environment was in order, I had to plan and be deliberate to attain it.
Laundry had to be done ,to ensure they kids wore clean clothes and stay in a neat environment.

They kids will need proper discipline,they can be naughty at times. There was an intentional need for constructive discipline to given to them, where it was appropriate to form the right attitude and behavior in the home and in the society.

Motherhood is for a life time,
Motherhood is a ministry,
Motherhood is intentional,
Motherhood is a privilege,
Motherhood is a blessing,
Motherhood is a Journey,

We as mothers are caregivers and custodian of our children.
God expects us to give our best to them, as he helps us.
We pray for grace to do more.
It is not easy at all, that's why we need the grace and wisdom of God to do so.
We are expected to be role models, planning, organizing and coordinating of the home.
Every child is unique and special.Children are not to be compared with each other.
God loves our children!!!
More grace and strength to all the mothers in house. I salute and celebrate you all.
The rewarding part of being a mother is the Joy the children give the home. When you watch them grow and attain success. Fulfilling their dreams and making us proud as we grow older in age.
The fun and laughter,they spread can never be undermined 😊.
Thank you for taking time to read my post,see you in my next post.

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