The Girl And Her Thoughts.

Not too many people like me,finds confidants in friends probably because, I am afraid of certain eventualities.
"What happens to the secrets have entrusted in her hands, Will she tell others just to get back at me ?"
"Will my matter be visited by all, like a public toilet"?
The thought of being betrayed by those who I considered as friends sometimes made me shrunk back to my shell, back to minding my own business by myself and navigating life through the lense of my understandings.

My Mum and the grannies in my compound back then, were of great helping hands. Yeah, I said grannies. I had too many of them as friends for a teenage girl who ought to be exploring life along with her peers but unfortunately, I do not catch up well with them except for my dear cousins and siblings. Though, most people within and around my vicinity found my relationship with the grannies somewhat strange and unusual but I wasn't bothered because, I was getting more than what I was giving them.
My mum is so good with hair, she can style anything out of afro hair and somehow, I inherited that gift even though, I never dedicated time to watch her whenever she was plaiting hair for people.

Africans and misconceptions are just like Siamese twins;you can't just separate them. Most African hold the false belief that, grannies are hag I.e Witch. Back then, most children of my age and above it, tends to deal with them from a distance so as not to be bewitched by them, that's uncalled for right? Well, I do not blame them, when you watch too many Nigerian traditional movies,that's what it sometimes demeaned your foresight into.

I know what it feels to be lonely even when I have people around me so,I put it on myself to be there for them. I would chit chat with them, plait their hairs, eat the meal others considered as poison and use their stuffs(face powder, eye pencil etc)
It's all felt so good!

I'm currently at a phase where i repeatedly ask myself, What's next after this? As simple as this question sounds, it has kept me awake for nights, have pondered and still pondering on it.....
Nothing I ever came up with seemed to be the perfect answer for this big simple question.
However,if am to ask my "Granny friends", their answers would be in these similitude.

They will tell me, to be patient.
They will tell me, there's time and season for everything.
They will tell me, to take just one step at a time.
They will tell me,God is never too late.
They will tell me, not to be too hard on myself.
They will say, "Que Sera Sera".

© Medemausi

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