The Name That's Very Funny To Me

I will be responding to this topic from my perspective. Names are what give us identity; some localities have names coined from their origin, while others prefer English names to local ones. However, in my case, being from Nigeria and the Igbo tribe, we have many local names.

It's intriguing to ponder why parents decide to give their children these names. People answer names like "Use," which means rock, "Ite," which means pot, "Uzu," which means road, and so many other funny names.

One funny name I have heard is "Abacha." This name sounds funny to me simply because of the individual bearing it. Before I delve into details, it's important to note that this name gained popularity because of a former Nigerian military dictator, Gen. Sani Abacha.

(Image by freepik)

Perhaps it wouldn't have been as funny to me if the person bearing this name did so out of preference. However, his case is entirely different. There was a woman in the village who claimed that during her pregnancy, she craved Abacha the most, as it was her favorite food.

When she gave birth, she named her son after her beloved dish, Abacha. With that reasoning in mind, the villagers found the name to be quite amusing, not just for me alone, but for everyone. Abacha is a food made from raw cassava, generally called African Salad in English.

Whenever children like him see him, they start singing a very funny song, asking him to provide them with well-garnished Abacha to satisfy their hunger. Apart from these two persons bearing this name I can't proof if anyone else is bearing it.

But the possibility of none is very slim because I have not seen any one but if there is anyone or persons they must be very few in number. Having funny names aren't bad because they make people standout in a society and it makes one popular as well.

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