LOH140 - Things I do on My Perfect Saturdays

Greetings great ladies of Hive, I hope we all are faring well and enjoying the weather condition in our different regions. I will be sharing my thoughts on the topic below:

What would your perfect Saturday be like?

A perfect Saturday for me depends on the activities I engage myself in. Not all Saturdays that I get what I can proudly call a perfect Saturday. No doubt, a perfect Saturday is one that is filled with so much excitement, relaxation, accomplishment, and sweet memories.


Waking up on a Saturday with the knowledge that it is the weekend leaves me feeling refreshed, like a princess rising from her bed at the eleventh hour of the day with no worries. My perfect Saturday involves self-care, practicing my favorite hobby, visiting friends, and hanging out.

Self-care is what I place so much priority on, remembering the tediousness of the weekdays. Knowing that self-care promotes physical, mental, and emotional well-being. One of the things I do on a perfect Saturday is give myself enough naps; this helps calm my nerves from the tedious Friday.

Emotionally, I watch funny skits; this activity brings me great joy and makes me laugh, forgetting about so many life troubles. I also use Saturdays to play games and reflect on my Misals. This helps me maintain a balanced lifestyle. I wouldn't say I observe everything said here every Saturday, as some Saturdays might go wrong, leaving me with changed plans.

When it comes to hobbies, I love writing, cooking, and lots more. I pay so much attention to these two on a perfect Saturday. I don't cook all Saturdays, and while I may get lazy sometimes, something demanding might come up, making me deviate from my already planned day.

So, Cooking is what I love doing on Saturdays. It comes with so much joy, fun, and ease. I don't feel any pressure when I'm cooking. Also, I take care of my pending tasks on Saturdays, like writing lesson notes and getting my posts ready for contests I'm yet to submit to.

In the evening, after I must have had dinner, I take a stroll around the street, meeting new people and making new friends. After which, I return home and wrap up my day with a cool movie. For tomorrow, the morning on my list is "Knight of the Zodiac," after which I sleep and await Sunday. I wouldn't forget to say that I visit as many social media sites as possible to distract myself and refresh my mind.

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