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I have always had this dream of living in a place with beautiful scenery and tranquility. I have heard amazing stories about South Africa.

My friend and I during our secondary School days used to talk about how we want to visit this country. Although she was lucky to travel to this city after secondary school. She wrote one international Science examination and had a good score which made her dream a reality.


I was unlucky because I was reading Art and we didn't have such an opportunity to write examinations like that. Through my friend, I have been seeing the beauty of the place. Most times she calls me in the morning to show me the rising of the sun, the sparkling sea and beautiful flowers. This brings gladness in my heart to anything that connects me into my dream world.

From stories I have read about South Africans and from my friend, their lifestyle is one in millions. I have been trying to learn South Africa with my friend back then in school but when she left me, I became too lazy to focus and learn on my own.

I am hoping that one day I will join my friend and explore the beauty of the place