LOH 178 -| 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭

From my adulthood, I have always put my family first. Growing up with my siblings as an adult brought us together; we experienced love and bonded so well. That experience we had back then made me see family as a pillar.

Even when we separated to pursue our different endeavors and fulfill our purposes, we understood the message of being there for each other. Although I can't really speak for my siblings, the value they place on family is evident.


One might not understand this until something happens; when everyone rejects you, family will always be there to stand by you. It is the unique identity card that shows one has a place he belongs.

I don't mind sacrificing whatever I need to support my family. In any little way I can, whether it's words of encouragement, being there for members of my family, or supporting my siblings during challenging moments.

I feel very bad when I see families that live like enemies. So many who don't understand what family really means do the opposite, which, to me, doesn't really feel so good.

When you care only about yourself and abandon family, during tough moments when many will desert you, then you will understand the main essence of family. It's nice for one to prioritize his or her well-being but not in a way that will lead to neglecting the importance of family.

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