Unconditional Love (LOH #185)


No one shows love more than a mother. Mothers are the epitome of unconditional love, resilience and strength.
They are the silent warriors who work tirelessly to ensure the well-being of their families, often putting their personal needs last, children and family first is their Motto.

With mothers we know the real meaning of sacrifice, we learn the value of hard work and the importance of nurturing relationships.

The love for her child is both fierce and tender, She can use all her strength and energy to fight for her children. She guides through life's challenges and celebrates our successes with Joy that knows no bounds.
A mothers wisdom shapes her child's character, Her courage is encouraging! In fact, a mother's love is the foundation that we build our lives upon.

I believe that mothers should be celebrated everyday and not just some designated days, they are the real heroes of the society.

With these I dedicate this handwriting piece to my own very special mom:

Dear Mom,


With love in my heart and appreciation for all you do, I say thank you so much for birthing me. I have always wondered if I would have existed without you and if I would have survived if not for the love you showed me.

Your strength, your love, and your dedication to our family inspire me every day. You choose to go out and work even when you're tired and you never let us starve for one day even though things are very difficult. You have taught me the importance of hard work and the value of perseverance. Even in your strict moments, I see the deep love you have for me, guiding me to be my best self.

THANK YOU for being my rock, my mentor, and my unwavering support. Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed, and your love is a treasure I hold dear.

And Thanks to God who gives you the power!


Thank you Ladies of hive for the opportunity to share this, It was fun participating in the contest.
Mothers are superheroes and showing them love is very important.

So, YOU, yes YOU, have you written this contest? Oya go and write it now πŸ˜‚. See link here

Images belong to me

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