What is your favorite thing about this time of year?

Wow, it's now the beginning of November, time flies so fast. Thank you @melinda010100 for bringing this question to this week's contest and reminding me that the year 2021 is almost over.

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One thing that can be felt most clearly at this time of year is that everything is happening more quickly and busily. The end of the year is like a milestone at which each person wishes their own goals will be accomplished, and the last months of the year are a sprint before reaching the finish line. To be honest, I enjoy this hectic time of the year, although it can also be stressful and exhausting at times. To describe 2021, there are still familiar words like Covid, lockdown, and social distancing, so the busy atmosphere at the end of the year brings a little bit of the feeling that life is returning to normal. I love watching the flow of people walking on the busy shopping streets, perhaps the prolonged lockdown makes these scenes rarer. Seeing the hustle and bustle around gives me more energy and motivation in my daily life.

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At this time, New Zealand also begins to enter summer, so the atmosphere everywhere becomes more bustling. The weather is beautiful and sunny, very suitable for travel trips. I am also starting to plan for the upcoming New Year holiday. Having a milestone to look forward to and planning ahead for it makes me so excited, sometimes I think that perhaps the joy of imagining about upcoming trips can be so much greater than when we actually experience it.


Every moment will have something that we love, but the most important thing is that we always live to the fullest no matter what time of year. And I'm looking forward to staying busy this time and accomplishing a few goals for this year.

Thank you @winnietran for inviting me to join the contest this week. Thank you @melinda010100 for your interesting questions and @ladiesofhive for holding this meaningful contest!

Hope everyone have a nice day!

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