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Living a week without electricity would be a great experience

Would you rather go without water or electricity for a week?

Another great question from Ladies of Hive Community contest. Thank you so much @winnietran for inviting me to join this contest and @kaerpediem for your great questions. I think it doesn't take too long to give an answer to this question and most people will not hesitate to choose water as something they can't live without. This is also quite understandable when we have to choose between survival and the convenience of life, of course, we are inclined to survive first. But how many of you will feel a little hesitant when thinking about how it would be like to live without any electricity? To be honest, I am one of those people. Although electricity has only been used in our lives for more than 100 years, its influence on our daily lives is undeniable. I will definitely still choose water as the thing I can't live without, but in this post, I want to discuss how our lives would change if suddenly electricity completely disappeared.

Photo from Canva

I was born in the early 1990s in Vietnam so I believe I belong to the generation of people who have had the opportunity to see how life has changed thanks to the advent of electricity. In my memory, the first time I knew the presence of electricity was from the light of a light bulb in the evening, then as I grew up, my family gradually had more and more electrical appliances and until now almost everything we use runs on electricity. From cooking, laundry to entertainment and communication activities, if there is no electricity, it will certainly take us a lot of time to find a way to solve all those tasks. And there are even things that we have to give up without electricity like making video calls with my parents every day as I live abroad and can't see them often, even my return to Vietnam will also become extremely difficult and it will take a lot of time because the plane will certainly not be able to operate without electricity. Well, it can be seen that our daily life will be greatly limited without electricity, not to mention the more macro-scale effects of electricity to the economy, political and social issues.

Photo from Canva

However, whether there is electricity or not, life will still go on. No electricity will mean that we will spend more time and energy cooking meals, doing laundry, cleaning the house, in return, we have more time in real life, instead of spending hours surfing the Internet. We will not be able to communicate often with our distant family, but handwritten letters will certainly be more emotional than regular calls but sometimes we don't know what to say to each other. I feel like without electricity maybe our lives would slow down a bit and we would have more time to truly enjoy it.


So a week without electricity is probably not that scary, maybe it will be an interesting experience for us to understand how dependent we are on the presence of electricity and also to know how life used to be when electricity did not appear in human life. And for me, living a week without electricity can be an opportunity for me to see the scenes that only appear in my childhood again when electricity was still something too far away.

This is my entry for Ladies of Hive community contest #53.

Thank you so much for reading my post!