Key Parental Traits - LOH Wk 186

It is a known fact that parenting is one of the most challenging, complex and rewarding tasks in life. There is no specified way or laid down principles of handling this important role, it's everyone to their own. But generally, It requires a unique blend of skills and characteristics that can help one create a nurturing and supportive environment for their children.

I am not yet a parent but it is my utmost desire to be one day and to also raise godly, confident, responsible, and compassionate individuals that I will be proud of tomorrow, just like my parents are proud of me today.

So with regards to the question posed by @amberkashif for the LOH Wk 186 contest, here are the three important traits or qualities I believe a parent should have:

  • Discipline

The first quality I'll talk about is discipline because it's very important and all encompassing.
I was privileged to be raised by two wonderful and disciplined individuals and the good morals they instilled in me have helped in shaping me to be a better person today. Mom would always say "It is the discipline that you are learning today that you will use to train your own children tomorrow"

I believe that for a parent to raise children of good behavior and sound morals, they need to be disciplined. This is because it will help them to become positive role model for their children, to demonstrate the values and behaviors that they hope to instill in them. You can't have a questionable character as a parent and expect to raise children with good morals, no, it won't work that way. You can only give what you have and there's no two ways about it. These children are very smart and are picking every of your action, behavior, words etc, and as they grow, they begin to act same way too. And by the time you realize to start correcting them, it would have been too late. If you check the statistics of children who are bullies today, most of them learnt it from home, their parents.

Also being disciplined will help parents to set clear boundaries and expectations for their children, and to follow through with consequences when those boundaries are crossed. This will ensure that children learn how to be responsible, accountable and self-controlled.

  • A good communicator

The first school a child attends is the home with the parents being the teacher, therefore it's important that parents possess good communication skills. This involves expressing yourself clearly and encouraging your children to do the same and also listening actively when they speak to you. If you are saying no to their requests, stick to it and make them understand the reason behind the no. Your tone of voice when correcting or admonishing them should be different from when praising them.

Furthermore, holding an open and honest communication with your kids is key to building a strong relationship with them. While doing so, you will be able to connect, understand and share their feelings, build trust, and respond to their emotional needs in a supportive and nurturing way.

It's just so sad that some parents do not have the time to chat with their kids. It's either they are pursuing one business or the other, creating the communication gap which pushes the children to seek for those who will fill the gap from outside. This might result in them falling into the wrong hands and learning the wrong things. I do not want this for my kids therefore I'll ensure to be present, be their best friends and keep all pinky promises, lol.

  • Patience

Patience is a virtue and a must have by every parent. Raising children is not a quickie role or something you expect to happen with the snap of a finger, no, it takes time, effort and commitment. Once a parent, always a parent, it's a life time role. Even when your children are all grown up and in their own families, your parenting role still continues. Therefore parents must be patient and understanding as their children grow and learn. This will help them to manage anger or frustration in challenging situations, which can help reduce stress and create a more positive and supportive environment for their children.

Also being patient allows parents to give listening ears to their children's needs and concerns, and respond in a calm and thoughtful manner. Lastly, it will help parents demonstrate self and emotional control that can be valuable for children to observe and emulate.

With these three key traits, I'm hopeful that parents will be able to raise a generation of individuals with sound minds, high value and good morals.
Although I haven't attained the level of patience that I desire to have, I'm working on myself to achieve that before the kids start coming. So help me God.🙏

Thank you for reading.

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