LOH#113 - How would I spend the last night of 2022?

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Image source: Unsplash

It's already the 23rd of December as of the writing, and only eight days before we will be saying goodbye to the year 2022. Yes, that's fast, and it feels like it was only yesterday I was setting my goals for this year. I am the type of person with a list of what to accomplish. Not that much as most of the time, it is something I'm aiming for but unable to do due to reasons like Time or Money.
So now that we are closed on New Year's Celebration, it is time to have a to-do list!
I went home to my hometown last September this year and enjoyed a month of vacation. With that, I will welcome the new year with my in-laws. This is also my first time celebrating in our own HOME, so I was excited! Yet, a little bit sad as my husband is not here to celebrate with me. Thus, it would only be me in our house (my in-law's house was at the same compound), so that I would be preparing things alone.
First on my list is to prepare the thirteen fruits., round ones to be exact. It's been our family tradition every year, and I believe; it would bring good life for the following year. Oh, my parents had a lot of superstitious beliefs when it came to these. We should not prepare any menu with chicken meat or sticky foods! It attracts negative energies when it comes to financial matters. However, make sure that all condiments, and basic needs in the kitchen, like rice, water, sugar, salt, etc., are in full stock. Should not let the last night pass leaving those canisters or containers empty, or else it would be the whole year!
So, aside from preparing a basket of fruits, I would ensure to complete all of this in my house! I already bought salt and sugar, but rice, water, and others still need to be. Not that I believe in this, as for me, accomplishing all of those still doesn't matter. Only if I worked hard for it; it is just my mother-in-law still had these practices! I don't want to disagree with her as she is already a senior citizen, so she is quite sensitive. Besides, I would lose nothing from doing such.
The food, let us remember the food! It was already a tradition. After watching the fireworks and countdown, the feast begins! A dinner with a family.

Image by Mohammed Shamaa from Unsplash.

Though I had a feeling, I would feel sad. As stated, the husband is not here, and celebrating with in-laws has a different sense; feels incomplete.

I hate to say this but always had the feeling every Christmas for years since I reached adulthood. The thought that everyone was at home, celebrating with the family and there I, alone 🤣. Yet, that is life, we need a bit of sacrifices at times.

Hello Ladies of Hive; this is my entry in LOH #113 as response in question asked by @tibalfryi.

What do you plan to do on the 31st right at midnight?

Merry Christmas Ladies!

December 23, 2022
Manila Philippines.

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