Let's solve some mysteries [LOH 162]

Hello everyone!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

We all have curiosity to find things and it's a natural process which we all have inside ourselves. Sometimes we want to explore new things and sometimes we want to see the incident of past.

Image by 652234 from Pixabay

What I'll choose!!!

If I've to choose between see the past and future than obviously I'll choose the past, because past stays for long while future comes , stay for a while and than Become past again. So it's better to see the past and see some incident which yoi can't see by your own eye's.

Why I'll prefer to choose past?

There's many reasons that i want to see the past but here I'll tell yoi some of them.

  • Many times someone told me about something and I can't believe on what he or she said than to believe on what that person say i want to to see the past. I want to go back in time and see the things.

  • Sometimes, life difficulties make me so sad as we know when we grow older our responsibilities also grow with time and life is difficult that sometimes our eye's fill with tear's than I want to go back in past, i want to see the happiest day's of my life which was my childhood day's as those were awesome day's. I want to see my real and truely laughing sounds again.

  • I'm type of person which love to live in history, when i read any historical book, i imagine it's all a drama and it's played in front of me and at that time i want to see that incident with my own eye's.

Image by Andy Bay from Pixabay

I know sometimes seeing past is difficult or hard which gives you sadness but i think seeing in past solve many mysteries in my mind. There's many questions in my mind about past and those will be sort out.

Ohhhh this reminds me about GOT series' in which Bran (one of their brother) can see the past and he solve many mysteries who later become the king 👑.

  • That's all for today and it's also my entry to this week contest # 162 in Ladiesofhive community.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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