It would be my perfect Saturday if....... (LOH 140)

Hello everyone!

Hello to Ladies of Hive!!!

I hope so you're fine and happy.

  • After many weeks I'm again here to write something in this Wonderful community of Ladies. When I read the message of @beeber from ecency discord that we again have something interesting to write and when i checked the post i surprised to see that it's my lovely friend @ifarmgirl who give the questions this week 😀

What would be your perfect Saturday be like?

I think it's all depend on us how we make our day perfect. Mostly I've house chores to fo on Saturday and I've to cover the pending tasks of week too that's why mostly my Saturday was do grinding.

But i would love it if.....

If i come to know on Friday that this weekend I'm going to my Mom house than i feel so happy because I'm going to see my Mom after a time and that kind of Saturday would be perfect for me when I've to spend a day with my mom as i always miss her.

Photo by Anete Lusina

If I've to tavell to somewhere alone or with family. I love to travel as it doesn't matter it's to next city or to next town. Because i think when I'm on travel, I've no pressure on my mind to do house chores or do any other thing do it's the best thing for me to do.

Photo by Tranmautritam

What was your favorite toy when you're young!!!

Now a day's children's love to play games on mobile or love to watch YouTube video in their playing hour's. It's seems like that mobile phone is their favorite toy,

Photo by cottonbro studio

But but i love to play with barbie doll's. I still remember my father bought a Barbie house for me and all time i love to decore that house and love to play with it. So, my favorite toy was doll and doll house.

Photo by Polesie Toys

What my Mom did to my doll's?

I've enough doll's that when i grew up like a girl and stop playing with my doll's my mom made a pillow with my doll's 🤣🤣 she didn't wasted my doll's, she used it's soft cotton to make a small pillow and after that we're all shoked to see the master mind idea of my Mom because I'm at the place of my Mom i prefer to wasted those doll's.

  • That's all for today and it's my entry too for this week LOH topic.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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