Health is the first priority - decorations (pobphotocontest)

Hello everyone!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

It's my first time that I divide my post into two part's as i thought to write only one blog as professional writers do hehehe 😜 i think I'm gonna try to make little professional writer 😉

First priority is health

Almost from past three weeks i feel headache and severe headache which didn't feels good even after taking medicine or some other precautions and i was worried why it can't stopped because with headache i can't perform any task with ease.

I took Panadol or paracetamol for headache and I feel better too after taking it but this time it's not cure and items become severe after every day.

I go to doctor and told him all condition which happened to me since three weeks and he just asked to me what's your mobile screen time??? I simply said it's more than 6 hours and sometimes it cross 7 hour's too. And he only advice me to reduce my mobile screen time as my headache is because of using mobile phone continually.

And he advised me to rest my eyes for at least one day in week from using mobile screen and than i can't feel headache, and that's why I didn't write here on hive for two Days as i was on rest neither i used mobile without emergency because I think our health is more than friends, social media and others thing as if we don't feel good than how we can interact with our friends in good mood.

wedding season decorations

As autumn is here and now almost winter's come here as weather is very change. So in Pakistan winter season also called as wedding season as many people love to arrange marriage ceremony in pretty cold weather. As it's wedding season here and after of mid of October it's on peek. And there's so much and beautiful decorations in wedding house.

It was a marriage ceremony in our neighbors and they decorate the house from outside with lighting which look attractive in nights as obviously light's shine in night.

It's a basket of different Colors of bangle's which gifted to guests on wedding as a little wedding gift, it's a tradition of Pakistan.

Different cards also made in which they wrote something about wedding which express their happiness, mostly they wrote happy wedding!!!

entry picture to contest

As here we celebrate three Days of wedding mostly which are mehndi, barat and walima but now people start to add one more day and called it Mayon, it's a day before mehndi and it's the setup for Mayon which was decorated with artificial flowers. You May think these are original but no these are artificial flowers.

  • That's all for today and it's also my entry to this week #pobphotocontest for the theme decorations. All pictures are my personal image's.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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