Ladies of Hive Community Contest #128 : My Dream Wedding

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Not sure if the dream of wedding will come true for me or not. I'm getting older and people see me as the lady in the photo above. Actually there are many people in society think after 30 women are no longer a young chick and old enough to get married. Even they make me feel like 60 when I'm just 30 plus.

I'm in a complicated relationship where there we love each other but can't marry because the person I love has family and society concern. My concern is about probable difficulties and changes will come into my life. I'm not yet ready to get married but my family and relative often bother me for this. Many of my childhood friends has grown up kids so sometimes I feel like I'm too late and I didn't born to get married ever in my life and it make me cry honestly!

Getting married with the person I will love and feel was my childhood dream but day by day realities of my life warning me to get married and there are many things scare me to get married. I don't like people around me who talks about my wedding because it has no guarantee where my life has no guarantee there wedding may remain a dream only.

I had dream of wedding but no dream wedding concept in my mind. Frustrating but gradually I'm used to it. According to my religion when a person can't marry the person he or she loved in life, will get married in the heaven. I have many crushes so I don't know with whom I'll get married in the heaven if I missed get married in this earth lol.

Jokes apart, the person I love is a very sweet and handsome guy and he is my best friend too. He often pull my leg saying that I may ask for a partner in the heaven from Korean men as I have a crush on Korean men. My partner often say that he is my hubby and he want me in this earth and also in the heaven and I also consider him as my hubby because he is really very understanding and honest but we are helpless to get married right now for different difficulties and complications already in our life.

My dream wedding should be very simple. I don't want any ring exchanging or something before get married but I have aim to travel with my husband different beautiful travel destinations for couples. I want simple wedding with religious rules. I don't like crowd of people in my wedding but few well wishers will be invited to attend. I want my creator bless me with a happy and long married life not necessary to have a grand wedding ceremony to make it the topic of discussion.

I love having a simple lifestyle and I've few amounts of friend in my real life. I don't like crowd since my childhood days and I don't attend wedding functions. I don't have interest to jewelleries, fashionable dress, make up or something that give me and my partner gorgeous look. I just want to make my marriage successful and long lasting.

I can't marry unknown or someone random like chosen by my family or relative, I want to marry my best friend who shows love and care to me everyday! I want him for this life and also for afterlife in the heaven. We have no dream wedding but we have a dream to get married as soon as possible.

This is the entry for the contest by @ladiesofhive and I invite my all friends and followers

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