LOH CONTEST#93 // I should've have listen



Hello everyone, it's good to be here again. Hope you are doing great in your various places, I'm doing great too glory be to God.
It's another @ladiesofhive community contest and this time answering the following question:

When did you start to see that attitudes towards women changed in your life and what do you think drove those changes? Please give some examples.

Being a woman is not an easy task because they see us as a weakling whereas we are not. Looking down on women impose a lot of restrictions.

A woman to them belong in the kitchen and can not allowed to have a dream of becoming what they want and limit what we can achieve.

It takes a lot of effort to show the world that women have the ability to do what they want and we are not weakling as they think.

There was a time when I was a kid, I love playing football and you will hardly see me with a female friend, all the friends I have then were boys.

We used to play football together, anytime they are going to field I always follow them because that is the game I love most. I later met a girl there, she was a keeper then.

But Everytime I followed them to field, I always face trouble when I come back, they will be telling me to behave like a girl that I am and stop following boys around.

There was a day my uncle beat me and starved me for going to field and since then, he warn me to stop following them to field or else he will do the worst.

Though I stop playing football but I keep regretting it till today. I should have not listen to him but before I realized that it late already.

Thanks for visiting my blog and have a wonderful day

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