LOH contest #85 // correction or criticism



This week @ladiesofhive community Contest have bring an amazing topic to talk about and I will like to talk about question one which is;

How do you handle corrections or criticisms from other people?

Either correction or criticism, I handle them base on the intention. Criticism is the opinion of people who evaluate your behavior either good or bad and some people always evaluate only what you did bad.
Criticism come from different angles, if someone criticize me for doing bad thing, I always put my ego aside and use the criticism to get better on that aspect even if it is harsh we are all human and nobody is perfect, you can only see someone's bad side while you won't notice yours.
Some people criticize you base on what they heard about you or out of jealousy. The thing I know is criticism are use often when discussing negative evaluations but not all criticisms are with bad intention, some criticize you in other to help you.
I always appreciate criticism even if it hurt to hear that what I did was wrong when their intention is good.
But if someone criticize me base on the bad things they hear about me from someone who doesn't like me, I will rather leave them without given them any explanation or defend myself, I will leave them to see the truth themselves. Even if I tried to explain to them they might say it's just an excuse.
The typical example is when I was living with my brother before he get married, we live together peaceful even some of my neighbors didn't know me until he got married.
His wife is not really good in cooking so I do almost all the cooking and buying food stuffs. Before she wakes up in the morning, I will be done preparing breakfast. My brother will eat before going to work and she will eat hers when she wake up.
I continue cooking for them for months until my brother's wife started seeing me as a treat, started telling people I was preventing her from getting what she wants from her husband. Nobody confront me about it but they will started to talking when they see me pointing their fingers at me, calling me names, criticize me for being a bad person, some even talk it to my face that I'm also a woman, how will I feel if someone else did that to me. They criticize me even when they don't know me.
I was confused at first but later decided to stop cooking in the house, so I tell my brother to be given his wife the money for the house keep.
The started having problem the first week, when I see it's getting out of hand I left their house to stay with my friend, people only see the truth when I'm not there again.
So some criticism are not justify and to handle such criticism, I determine its intent,I respond to it calmly and minimize my time or rather leave those who criticize me to harm me.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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