LOH #148 // Family responsibility should not be put on children

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog and welcome to this week #ladiesofhive community contest. It is good to be here with you again. Let dive into the question.


Nowadays, some parents pass on to their kids the family responsibility after they graduate from school. As a parent, do you agree with this, or will you allow your kids to shoulder burdens that are not supposed to be theirs? As a child, is it necessary for you to pay back your parents' laborious efforts even though it means you have to sacrifice your freedom?

Allowing children to shoulder all the family responsibility because they have graduated and seem to be having some change with them is not the best thing to do as a parent which I don't think I can allow my children to. It will be like a burden to them and it will look like we are depriving them their right to freedom.


But a lot is happening in world today in some cases, where parents don't have a choice than to depend on their children to carry those responsibility because they don't have the capability to do so but at the same time it depends on the family Dynamics and the nature of the responsibility being pass onto their children.

Although it is very important for parents to teach their children about responsibility and how to become a self sufficient individual but that does not mean that we should let them shoulder all the responsibilities that was meant for the parents only if they are willing to help without having to force it on them.

Take my own for example,when I was about to write my high school final year exam then, my dad asked me to go and collect the exam fee from my brother or else I will not be doing that exam that year, and since he have started working and living alone, he thought it was time for him to shoulder some responsibility but he never know how much he is struggling and upon all the struggle he have to find the money for my exam.

And later when I also finish my ND, he have to send my junior sister to me that I should be the one to pay for her high school final exam which I have no choice but to do as he said it, I'm not even comfortable doing but I can't complain.

Burden the children with the family responsibility always hinder their personal growth and development, there is a different between teaching children how to be responsible and putting all the responsibility on them, they should be allow to shape their own lives too.

Also, It is important to acknowledge our parents efforts and also appreciate their sacrifice and as we grow up and more capable, there are some things we have to contribute to naturally to support the parents considering the circumstances of the family needs.

Effective communication and understanding is needed between the parents and the children to determine the mutual expectations and find a balance to guarantee the well-being and growth of the family members. I'm not in support of putting all the family burden on the children just because theyhe seems capable, it's not good.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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