LOH #121 // What is the sign of love


Hello my people, welcome to my blog once again. I hope you are all doing well in your various places. Love is in really the air, that is what is in everybody's lip because it is the season of love and @ladiesofhive community bring us questions about love.

How do you know when you are in love? What are the signs?

Watching a movie will make you think that love is such an easy thing to fall in if you are someone who love watching Indian and Korean movie just like me, but in reality falling in love always comes with a heap of different feelings and the way two people feel can not be the same.

Most of the time we don't know we have fallen in love untill we are deeply into it. Falling in love feels pretty great if our love is reciprocated. When you fall in love, you will be free to be and act like yourself around that person and you will be eager to see that person everytime.

What are the signs?
Is there really a sign? I'm not really sure because love might not always be rainbow and rose people picture it to be but whenever you are in love,you feel more positive over all, you find that person amazing, you will laugh at anything they say even if it is not funny, you will try to defend them even when they are wrong and feel more happier around them.

The first time I fall in love, I always thought of that person, I feel more excited whenever I see or hear his voice, I feel like spending most of my time with him, I don't know what jealous is but I started having that feeling when I see him talking to another girl. I was wondering what is it that I'm feeling and someone said that is the feeling of love, you are falling in love already she said. Can it be true, I keep denying it but in the end, I don't know how I fall deeply into it and I feel compassion for him, I get curious about everything he do and I can't picture my future without him in there, I felt nervous when I think of how he feel about me.

All this are the signs that makes me think and makes me know that I'm actually in love with someone.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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