"Dream-catcher Protected" Day and Night | Ladies Of Hive Community Contest #57

Dream-Catcher protected day and night? How does it connect with the two offered topics about our phones' screen-saver themes and night-time routines? In my case - directly. Here's my story...

When I looked at my iPhone today, I instantly saw how the two topics, offered for the contest, are surprisingly about one and the same aspect of my life. Especially at this moment. Seven days ago when I was invited to write for Hive and published my "Introduce Yourself" post, my phone went black. The whole screen. It is still receiving notifications, reminders and calls, still functional, but the screen stays completely black. As if the whole Universe conspired to take away all distractions from me, so that I can be fully focused on exploring, learning and writing in Hive.

Before the strange "black-out omen" happened on my phone's screen, I was using the default iPhone theme, neat and organized, the App icons distributed in 3 pages according to priority, functions and frequency of use. But the protective silicone casing is what catches my eye a hundred times a day - and it's a Dream-Catcher. It says "BELIEVE".

My Dream-catcher has a very important mission - it helps me to anchor my perception of reality in the "Life is a Dream" State of Mind. Meaning, it reminds me that all that appears in our reality, although it seems undeniably real - is subject to our mind's bidding. Our dominant thoughts, beliefs and expectations create the version of our reality that corresponds to those dominant thoughts, beliefs and expectations.


For me the Dream-Catchers are the Guardians of our Waking Dream, warding off all the negative thoughts, beliefs and expectations that cause sadness, scarcity, worry and steal my hopes. Whenever I see my Dream-Catcher, be it my iPhone casing or the Mosaic Mirror designed by me, - I snap out of the slumber and wake up in my Waking Dream that we call Life. And, instantly, my "Happy happy happy" is back!

The Dream-Catchers filter the gateways to our consciousness while we are distracted. They let in only the gracious, delightful and opulent thoughts and expectations, for them to bloom and flourish in our imagination, and eventually become our Waking Dream. Such-wise, the Life that our mind is creating resembles the visions of our most cherished wishes and desires.


My contemplative essays and reflective reminders are written Dream-catchers, for myself and for everybody who seeks to stay awake in this Dreamlike Reality. The most important part of my bedtime rituals is writing, reading or listening to any kind of "Dream-catchers", be it articles, books or videos about reality creation, or alchemical art and literature, or just music to observe and listen to my inner being. By doing that, I am anchoring my subconscious mind in joyful and hopeful mental images to work on, while I'm asleep.
And then, just before falling asleep, I bask in the feeling of Gratitude for everything that has transpired during the day and everything that is to come - acknowledging that my mind has caused and set into motion every single event in My Story.


This is my entry to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #57. I hereby invite @mjvdc to participate.

Thank you @deraaa for the invitation, this is my debut in #LadiesOfHive Community.

You're Very Welcome to visit my Laura's PeakD Blog on Hive to see what I have been doing these first 7 days of my new Soul-Adventure.



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