Life happens, the unexpected happens. [LOH 148]

A lot of things happen in life and they sometimes get beyond our control. They happen all of a sudden and force people to fall back on an option (depending on their children) they never thought they would do, it makes people sad because they still find it hard to comprehend how things got really bad for them.

There is a friend of mine who is combining education and her family responsibility at a point in life. Things weren't like that from the onset because even though her mother is single, she did her best to raise her only child who is my friend. While in 200 level, the woman fell ill and it was a huge challenge for my friend.

It was so tough that her mother had to rely on the girl for everything as the illness worsened because she couldn't go out to work anymore. In the woman's case, there is no other option than to depend on her daughter.

I am sure it wasn't her wish and it didn't make her happy considering how much she had invested in her daughter but life happened and it caused a twist in their journey.

While in some cases, people give birth to children for the sake of reducing their struggles. They make babies and put them into labor which is one of the cruelest acts in the world. This was a tradition before civilization, our forefathers married many wives so that they could make lots of babies who would work on their farms and others.

Things have changed and it would be a wrong idea for parents to see their children as an investment or retirement plan. I got this mentality from my parents because despite knowing that I had a side hustle while in school, they didn't deprive me of anything. Although, there are days when they don't have enough and tell me to manage what they have but they have never made me feel like I should cater for myself because I am earning money as a student.

For this week's LOH prompt, I would love to answer this question as a parent and child.

Nowadays, some parents pass on to their kids the family responsibility after they graduate from school. As a parent, do you agree with this, or will you allow your kids to shoulder burdens that are not supposed to be theirs? As a child, is it necessary for you to pay back your parents' laborious efforts even though it means you have to sacrifice your freedom?

My image.

As A Parent.

For the example I made earlier, it's understandable that things happen and leave people in a tight situation and I don't pray such for myself or my loved ones.

In my short time in life, I learned that it is the responsibility of anyone to bring a child into the world to cater for the child. It is compulsory and I will do just that when the time comes.

As long as I am hale and hearty, passing responsibilities to my children will never happen because I don't see them as an after-retirement plan. Whatever I do for them is normal because it's my obligation. In order not to depend on them, I am working tirelessly now to make different investments that can still help me live a good life even when my children are grown and decide to settle with whoever they will choose to spend the rest of their lives with.

I will never choose to be a burden on my kids and will always want to see them grow in life as I wouldn't mind still supporting them even after they are fit to stand alone.

As A Child.

Still with the understanding that life is unpredictable, I can't turn down my parents if they are in a dire situation that requires my help even if it will inconvenience me.

They have done much more for me and turning them down will never make me happy. I don't see helping my parents as an obligation but the right thing to do and even if it will compromise my freedom, I will still go ahead because I understand clearly that my parents will never intentionally do that to me.

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