Share Your Battle: Fernheart

Fernheart Cover.gif


I originally thought of him as a useless summoner because he doesn't provide the benefits that I am looking for. However, that was a very premature judgment until you see the monsters that we're skipping because there are times that they were useless or there's just other monsters that does their jobs better.

However, this summoner, intended or not, fixes those flaws making these monsters very amazing.

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Folia is a world of vast forests and boundless woodland creatures. People are few and far between, living in small settlements or as roving bands of travelers. There is no currency other than hard work and good deeds; food, tools, and labor are traded fairly, one for the other.

Kelvhan Fernheart grew up among a wandering troop of bards and storytellers, living a life beneath the stars. His mother could peer into the future and tell people which paths to take. Their visits to the settlements were often highly anticipated and celebrated by the locals, who would eagerly watch their entertainments in spellbound awe, rewarding them with grand feasts and an assortment of gifts afterward.

Kelvhan was only six when he first wandered from his tribe and got lost within the forest of Dartbron Wood. He wandered for days, fascinated by the secrets of the forest and its creatures. When his parents found him three days later, they were shocked to find him not only unharmed but also well nourished. As he grew older, Kelvhan left the company of his people more often, choosing instead the tranquility of the forest and its creatures to the life of a traveling bard.

On a warm spring evening when he was fifteen years old, he left, never to return. He spent years living alongside the forest’s creatures, and over time, the magic that had been dormant within him blossomed. Others called him a druid, a man who could speak with animals and have them do his will. Some even said they had witnessed him shift into the shapes of the woodland creatures, and it wasn’t long before these people worshiped him and whittle small wooden idols in his image.

Although he carried a great axe made from bone and antlers, Kelvhan had never swung it in anger, using it mainly to fell sick trees so their diseases didn’t spread to others. On rare occasions, it had tasted the blood of ailing and injured animals, sparing them the misery and slow pain of an inevitable death. Above all else, though, Kelvhan was a pacifist and intended to live out his life in relative peace and harmony. But that was before he heard of the Chaos Legion’s atrocities, and he left the comfort of his forest to join the Riftwatchers.
It was night when the Riftwatchers came to Dartbron Wood. The villagers had warned them to avoid the forest until sunrise, but so dire was their need, the Riftwatchers pushed on. The wood was thick and treacherous. Its paths often led into dank bogs or turned back on themselves. The Riftwatchers tried splitting up, but when they called out to each other, the dense thicket swallowed their cries. By the time the sun broke through the canopy the following morning, most of them had been separated and were lost.

It was the young female sorcerer, Ravyn, who stumbled through the brambles and into a clearing of lush grass, her robe in tatters and her hands and face lined with cuts and scratches from the underbrush. An old man sat on a large boulder surrounded by an assortment of forest animals. When he asked what brought her to the woods, Ravyn told him she sought the aid of the legendary Kelvhan Fernheart in the fight against the Chaos Legion. The old man invited her to join him for breakfast. They ate a meal of berries and nuts, but he refused to speak of war, instead wanting to learn more about Ravyn.

They talked long into the day, until Hardel, the leader of the Riftwatchers’ search party, stumbled into the glade. Upon seeing Ravyn and the old man, he glowered and chastised Ravyn for her idleness while her companions were getting lost, injured, and worse in the forest. She was about to apologize when the old man clapped his hands together, and it was as if thunder suddenly tore the sky apart. Ravyn squinted her eyes shut. When next she opened them, she found herself back at the forest’s edge along with the rest of the Riftwatchers’ party, as well as the old man.

He announced he was, in fact, Kelvhan Fernheart, and that Ravyn had convinced him to join their cause. Hardel was stunned into silence. The group started toward the village. Fernheart walked beside Ravyn. He smiled and whispered that he had planned to join them from the start; he simply wanted to enjoy her company over breakfast first.


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Market Price Buy

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Right now, he's one of the most undervalued summoner that is slowly picking up in price this last few weeks. Just as I've said, originally, I thought of him as useless because compared to the starter ones, he doesn't give any bonus stats except for health while being 1 cost higher.

As people started to check the cards compatible to him, the price also started to pick up.

Market Price Rent

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Rental price still is dirt cheap. The reason is that even though he's amazing, the combo cards required costs quite a bit even for rentals.

Fernheart is most useful in gold above where monsters have decent damage and doesn't require the bonus damage stats that is most needed in lower league.

And since he's most useful in higher league, most people in higher league either already have him or doesn't bother to rent him at all.

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Fernheart is an Epic Summoner from the Riftwatcher series. He gives 1 bonus max health to all of your monsters and allowing your range monsters to attack from the first position. Being an epic summoner, he allows higher levels of monsters to be used in battle compared to rare and common summoners.

This means you need less copy of Fernheart to level him up which is good if you plan to use Fernheart on higher league.

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Cornealus is a forgotten card from the Untamed series but with Fernheart's bonus health and Close Range Ability, this gives a new light to this all seeing eye.



At level 1, Heal is unlocked. Heal allows your monster to restore some damage to itself every turn. Fernheart's bonus max health also works well with this. As Cornealus gains more max health, the strength of his heal also increases.


At level 2, Thorns is unlocked. Thorns gives Cornealus the ability to inflict 2 damage to all his melee attackers. Since he would be in first position, this would be very effective as most tanks are also melee monsters.

You can also put Cornealus at the very last so Sneak monsters would take some damage as you let Cornealus slowly goes to the front as most Sneak monsters are melee types as well.

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At level 3, Return Fire is unlocked. Return Fire inflicts half of the range damage dealt to Cornealus back to attacker. Put him in second position to block the Sniper users, or just leave in first position and watch your opponent slowly kill themselves.

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At level 4, Magic Reflect is unlocked. Same with Return Fire but with magic damage. Half of opponent's magic damage that is inflicted to Cornealus goes back to the attacker.

Once you get Cornealus to level 4, he becomes a counter machine being able to inflict damage to all damage types while having the ability to heal himself for a good portion of those damage.

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Battle Highlights

Click the link below to see the full battle:

Rules of Combat

Standard 17.PNG
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17 Mana Cap. Total mana cost of all monsters must not exceed 17 mana.

Standard Rules of Combat. No change in mechanics or rules of the current battle.


All elements unlocked. Summoners and Monsters from all elements can be used during this battle.

Abilities Used During This Battle

Heal.pngClose Range.png Slow.png Flying.pngOpportunity.png

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monsters are my opponent.

Those in BLACK font are mine.

Round 1

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  1. Deeplurker's Opportunity attack killed Creeping Ooze
  2. Xenith Archer's attack killed

Round 2

Round 2.jpg
𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Deeplurker's
    Opportunity attack killed Xenith Archer

Round 3

Round 3.PNG
𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Cornealus's Close Range attack killed
    Hardy Stonefish.

Round 7

Round 7.jpg
𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Cornealus's Close Range attack killed

Round 9

Round 9.PNG
𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Cornealus's Close Range attack killed
    Ice Pixie.

Round 13.jpg
𝔓π”₯𝔬𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔯𝔬π”ͺ π”ͺ𝔢 π”–π”­π”©π”¦π”«π”±π”’π”―π”©π”žπ”«π”‘π”° π”žπ” π” π”¬π”²π”«π”±.

  1. Cornealus's Close Range attack killed
    Angelic Mandarin.

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Author's Note Banner.gif

𝑫𝒐 π’šπ’π’– π’π’Šπ’Œπ’† FERNHEART? π‘Ύπ’‰π’š 𝒐𝒓 π‘Ύπ’‰π’š 𝒏𝒐𝒕?

Yes. I think the introduction of Fernheart is a game changer because the biggest weakness of range units is that they cannot attack from the first position. Fernheart solves all of that.

To be honest, I thought this card was weak until I saw some videos on youtube utilizing Fernheart and when I start searching the marketplace, I found these interesting combos with Cornealus being the most interesting.



Summoner: Fernheart

  1. Cornealus: Heals 4 per turn because of his Heal ability and Fernheart's bonus health. Can be an effective tank.

  2. Creeping Ooze: A neutral filler with no attack but has slow ability giving -1 speed to all opponent's monsters as long as he's on the board.

  3. Xenith Archer: Another cheap 2 mana range monster. I added him because I want more damage and I can't see a better one.

α—ͺIα—ͺ YOα‘Œα–‡ α”•Tα–‡α—©TEGY α—―Oα–‡KEα—ͺ?

Yes. I initially expected the other monsters to die. However, still according to plan, I expected the opponent to not be able to crack Cornealus's Heal. Fernheart's Close Range gives Cornealus the ability to attack from first position. The bonus health also gives Cornealus more healing power which makes them a bery good combination.

Cornealus Stats.jpg

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While checking for the possible combos, other than Cornealus, these two cards stood out for me.

War Chaang:

War Chaang.jpg

War Chaang is a unique one. He has both range and melee damage types. This technically allows him to attack from behind as a range, or in front as a melee. In addition to that, he has the Retaliate ability at level 1. This gives him a chance to attack a monster if the attacker is melee.

Now, the reason why I thought this was unique is because I don't know the interaction between retaliate and close range. Since Fernheart gives him Close Range ability, allowing War Chaang to attack from first position, I think that Retaliate ability will work as well allowing War Chaang to not retaliate not only with his melee attack but range attack as well.

Runemancer Florre:

Runemancer Florre.jpg

Runemancer Florre's idea acts the same as War Chaang. With Close Range ability, Runemancer Florre can now attack with both magic damage and range damage when at the front instead of just the magic damage.

Runemancer Florre doesn't have any abilities at any level however, this is balanced by her insane health while having decent attack speed. With Fernheart on the board, Runemancer Florre can now act as a full tank with her leading on the first position.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterland's Share Your Battle contest.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos. Photos and drawings without cited sources are mine and made for this post.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

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