Inori Minase's Iolite Definitely Deserves More Views

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Photo taken from Google as a result of Google Search.

First time I've listened to "Dead Mount Death Play" anime ending song and it was amazing. Based on the few searches, I learned the title of the song is Iolite (iolite) by Inori Minase. Here's the link of the official/original music video:

The music video also, was unexpectedly unbelievable. it has the same feel of the anime which is a reincarnated Corpse God capable of manipulating the spirits of the dead. And in the video, Inori Minase feels a lot like the MC of the anime.

Photo taken from Google as a result of Google Search.

I just wanted to share this to everyone since I think the video actually deserves 2 million views at the minimum since both the anime and the video are absolutely well done.

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