Grateful // LOH contest #186


In the few years I've lived on earth, I've encountered people who have helped and uplifted me at various stages, for which I am forever grateful to God for making me meet such people. Among all of them, there's one whose impact on my life I can't stop acknowledging and appreciating.

I attended a polytechnic, which is divided into three sections: the first two years (ND), one year for Industrial Training, and the last two years (HND). With significant financial struggles, I managed to complete the first two years. At that point, I decided not to proceed to the next stage because my parents were not financially buoyant, and I couldn't find any paying jobs to save up for school. I was only doing menial jobs, making it completely impossible to save enough money for school.

Luckily for me, I applied for a vacant job position in my church and got employed, earning a little manageable pay. That was when things really changed for me. The boss I worked under was very accommodating, and we became very close. In fact, I became his personal assistant in everything. His newly married wife and he welcomed me into their home like a family member. He learned about my schooling situation and how I planned to pause and not proceed further until I raised a reasonable amount of money. He didn't like the idea and assured me that he would sponsor and support me in any capacity he could.

I was working and saving, and I didn't touch much of the money because I was living at my family house, where feeding wasn't a problem. Along the line, my school announced the registration for admission, which made me feel anxious because what I had saved was insignificant.
I hid the idea from him because I wasn't ready to return to school, but when my boss heard about it, he called me, advised me to use the money I had to go ahead and register, and not to worry about the school fees, accommodation, and other expenses once I was admitted.

I followed his advice, registered for admission, and after two months, the admission list was released, and I was accepted. It was a joyous moment, but my heart was also boiling with many thoughts on how I was going to manage everything since I had used my savings for the admission registration.

Guess what? My boss told me that I should go ahead and that I could work from school.
It was unbelievable to me because my work wasn't the type that could be done remotely; my tasks involved constant trips to the bank for transactions, documentation, and keeping records. Nevertheless, I followed his advice and went to school. That's how I was still earning a salary even while I was in school. He covered for me, doing all the tasks I usually handled. The only times I visited home were when he called for something critical, and it was usually on weekends.

His presence in my life at that particular stage significantly improved my situation because I knew I wouldn't have been able to further my education at that time. I would have wasted one or even two or three years if it hadn't been for his support.

Thanks for reading.

This is my response to LADIES OF HIVE CONTEST #186

| All photos are mine |

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