Ladies of Hive Community Contest #152 (Esp/Eng)


Saludos a todas esas mujeres fuertes y emprendedoras, que no se rinden y que luchamos por lo que queremos. Espero tengan una linda semana llena de bendiciones.

Éxitos para todas.


Greetings to all those strong and enterprising women, who do not give up and who fight for what we want. I hope you have a nice week full of blessings.

Successes for all.


Es por esto que adoro participar en los temas semanales, y es debido a que me hacen pensar mucho sobre que responder antes las preguntas que me hacen. Para este caso es particular, si algún día me hiciera famosa, pienso yo que seria por mi timidez jaja. Es algo que me causa mucha risa y es debido a que en mi familia hay grandes personalidades, toda mi familia se hace notar donde llegan. Son relajosos y escandalosos, mientras que yo soy las mas callada de mi familia, soy la que no pelea con nadie, la que no se mete con nadie.

Siento que mi familia se haría famosa y debido a ellos, como soy la diferente de la familia, me volvería yo la mas querida por el publico jeje.

This is why I love participating in the weekly topics, and it is because they make me think a lot about how to answer the questions they ask me first. For this case it is particular, if one day I became famous, I think it would be because of my shyness haha. It is something that makes me laugh a lot and it is because there are great personalities in my family, my entire family is noticed wherever they go. They are relaxed and loud, while I am the quietest in my family, I am the one who doesn't fight with anyone, the one who doesn't mess with anyone.

I feel that my family would become famous and because of them, since I am the different one in the family, I would become the most loved by the public hehe.


Si algún día alguien me ofreciera dinero con la condición que me invierta en algo, lo tendría muy claro. Mi familia paterna son muy conocidos en el sector debido a que cocinan arroz con menestra y carne asada, y es debido a que cocinan muy rico todo. Pero mi familia es muy dada al alcohol y nunca han tenido interés en crecer, pero yo veo el gran potencial que tienen si tan solo se enfocaran.
Con el dinero propondría mejorar el local y que sea todo de mas calidad y mejor presentación, para darnos a conocer mas. Conozco a muchas personas que adoran su comida y es que ellos tienen una sazón muy única, que solo nosotros conocemos, solo es cosa de enfocarnos e invertir.

If one day someone offered me money on the condition that I invest in something, I would be very clear about it. My paternal family is very well known in the sector because they cook rice with stew and roast meat, and it is because they cook everything very delicious. But my family is very fond of alcohol and they have never had any interest in growing up, but I see the great potential they have if they would just focus.
With the money I would propose to improve the place and make everything of higher quality and better presentation, to make ourselves known more. I know many people who love their food and they have a very unique seasoning, which only we know, it's just a matter of focusing and investing.

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