You don't have to be so lonely; Ladies Of Hive Community Contest #123

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I always look forward to these community contests. The questions always bring me back to the center, make me dive deep, and question the norms of society. For that, I am always delighted to participate and engage with the community.

These questions by @merit.ahama, an adorable human she is, by the way, are no exceptions.

1️⃣ Why are there so many lonely people? Why is it so hard for people to make real connections when almost everyone wants to make real connections?

Are there many lonely people?

Loneliness, I understand, is the yearning for social contact and interactions. When this feeling is not met, the feeling of being alone takes over a person.

I think people are lonely because they haven't found what makes their hearts sing and their souls dance. When we find all the things that give us pleasure, we hardly feel alone. It could be the pleasure of being with people, reading books, going to places, leisure activities, and even the comfort of being with oneself.

A person needs to learn to enjoy their own space and company before they can be able to accommodate others into that space.

You need to learn who you are. Your likes and dislikes, the things that stir your emotions, what makes you elated or uncomfortable. You need to learn about yourself and accept yourself as a whole just as you are. See yourself in that light before you present that same unfiltered image to the world.

Unfortunately, the people who are so lonely have failed to identify these things about themselves first. Hence, they go out there and seek connection with people when they aren't sure exactly who they are. Whatever you give the universe, it throws it back at you. If you present a confused/misplaced image of yourself, that's the kind of connection you are going to attract. Whatever you appear to be can attract people, however, who you are is what is going to keep them. Sweet souls recognize each other. Like a magnet, it is the law of attraction.

created with dreamlike art ai.

Other times, people wear a mask of deception. Probably because they are afraid of being judged or because they
want to gain acceptance. This makes them appear to be who they aren't. We live in a world where you can be anything you want to be literally. However, if you want a real connection, you have to be your authentic self to have that.

It is like when you are a blossoming flower with sweet nectar. You then put on this plain black garment over yourself. You begin to wonder why the only things you attract are heat and light rather than butterflies and bees.

The only way you can establish a real connection with people is to take yourself as you are. When you are in your element, you will find your tribe and when you do, it is one of the most heartwarming things ever.

2️⃣ What is the silliest recent fashion trend?

This might probably sound ridiculous but what I found funny, at least in my head is the short leggings. Not ridiculously or stupidly but it makes me go “wow”. I'll explain. I like to think of it as ‘environmental conditioning’. This is so because while growing up where I come from, mothers would get such apparel for their daughters as underwear. We call them ‘tights’ and the short leggings look exactly like that.

I remember when it first started becoming a trend around me and I was like, “why are they out in their underwear?” hehe. Now I always have to remind myself that they are short leggings and can be worn just like that.

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