My Happy Place

This week's Ladies of Hive Contest has my name all over it. Except instead of picking one favorite happy place, I'm going to name a few. Because of course I am. Gemini can't just choose one.

You can check out the contest post here. This week's questions:

1️⃣ Do you have a real-life hero? If so, who would that be and why?
2️⃣ If you could pick a favorite "happy place," where would that be?

I might get crazy and answer both... let's see what happens.

My Happy Place

To absolutely no one's surprise, my happy place is nature.

Super specific, eh?

I'll name a few spots that have inspired my soul and captured a piece of my heart.

1: The Kootenays, British Columbia, Canada.

Fresh water and big trees are my thing, especially deep in the mountains. This picture was taken near Nakusp, BC, an area with several hot springs. Here, you can see a hot spring (to my right) flowing into a snow-fed river.

The Kootenays are a mountain range and general region in southeastern British Columbia, home to the eccentric town, Nelson. The area attracts lots of people who may or may not self-identify as hippies, as well as outdoorsy and active types, plus many who are seeking to escape the world and live somewhat self-sustainably in a relatively sparsely-populated area of Canada.

Why are the Kootenays one of my happy places? Hot springs, clear rivers, big lakes, gorgeous trees, and magical people.

Next up...

2. The Redwoods, California, USA.

It has been far too long since I've been to California. The last visit was in 2012. Every time I go, I spend at least a day or two in the redwoods.

These trees are stunning, powerful, sentient beings. They create a sanctuary of peace for anyone who takes the time to spend time among them.

Redwoods once covered much of northern California. Sadly, they've been logged so much only a small fraction remain. These gentle giants are some of the most amazing creatures on earth. I truly wish everyone could stand in awe of them, in recognition of how small we as humans are. Perhaps then, we would show nature more respect.

3. Live Oaks, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Like the Redwoods, the Live Oak trees in New Orleans (and elsewhere) sing to my soul in a big way. Here are a few of many pictures I've been honored to take with these peaceful, ancient friends.

If you look hard, you can find me in the branches.


4. The Ocean. Anywhere. Earth.

Like big trees and massive mountains, oceans remind us to be humble. They are in constant motion, containing multitudes, powerful enough to kill, yet walking on the beach always lulls me into a sense of deep, abiding peace.

The photos here were taken in 2010, when I spent two months living in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. However, I've found my happy place at the edge of the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Caribbean, and the Mediterranean. Wherever there are waves and endless blue, my heart knows it is home.



My Hero...

And now, for the second question in the Ladies of Hive contest: who is my real-life hero, and why?

Honestly, any person who can make it through the intensity of life with kindness, love, compassion, and hope in their hearts is my hero.

We all have our moments of doubt and despair, but if you can come back to love, one way or another, you're amazing. Each of us can be a hero, in this sense. Carrying compassion for each other, for nature, for the future of this planet... this is the stuff of heroes.

What about you?

Where is your happy place? Who is your hero? Feel free to participate and make your own post!

(@rhondak, I'd love to know what your happy place is, if you want to participate!)

Thanks for reading!

Whatever happens, keep singing your song!
Peace @Katrina-Ariel / @LeiaTalon

All photos mine

Books and music by Katrina Ariel

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, mama bear to twins, and author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance). She’s also written two books as Leia Talon: Shelta's Songbook and Falling Through the Weaving. Visit her website at

Falling Through the Weaving

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