Travel during holidays | Ladies of hive QOTW #62

There is for some reason a gigantic difference in when you travel towards a place in what kind of people are travelling alongside with you. I mean on a Monday morning an flight between Holland and Switzerland the majority of the people next to you will also be people travelling for work.

Often these are people who spend a lot of time in airports and on their way. It is like people who are on the road a lot. They tend to develop a certain style of driving which you see they will not make the most impulsive decisions. This is the same with people who tend to fly a lot for their work. That is what the Ladies of Hive Question of the week this weeks is about:

Do you like to travel during the holidays, or stay close to home?


Back to the topic….What I mean is, this is the opposite from what people do when they don’t travel so often. And especially when they are travelling with their entire family, they are really like a roadblock for other people something (in a respectful kind of way). I get it. Your day was long already, you had to get your kids and pack all of their bags and from grandma as well, making sure you do not forget anything from anyone. And getting the whole family at the right place at the right time without leaving one Home Alone style is actually no joke!


But for people who really like minding their own business it can be quite intense to be around all of these holiday families all of a sudden. And remember…’It has to be fun, and we are having a good time’, even though you see that their puberty son loaded with pimples isn’t having the most fun time at all.

So when you ask me if I like to travel in holiday time, the answer is a gigantic big no. It is all way to crowded, it is all way too expensive and there are way too many hyped up people. So I would so much more rather spend my time at home with the family and friend and people close to me, and travel in any other day which is not the holiday season. Holiday season is just way too much of everything. Not enough places to stay, not enough place to go which are a little bit easy and to many people who normally do not are not going anywhere. People act so, heavily present. And that is for me a good reason to stay home and holidays around the place where I normally am.

And so this year will not be any different… I will be home safe and sound. Easy as it goes, let others do the ‘home alone’ style running around and looking for turkey at the airports.

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  • Blog must answer at least one of the questions(or more, if you wish!)

  • Blog must be published in 'Ladies of Hive' community

  • Blog must be linked in a comment to this post

  • Blog must be original in order to win

  • Blog must invite another woman to the community

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