@LadiesofHive #59 Challenge. - Family traditions 👪 🎄 🎁

I have been wanting to try a @ladiesofhive challenge, I have just read the instructions for challenge #59.



When I was growing up with my parents we had no traditions, Christmas was just another normal day with a few presents usually something she mother would have knit. I don't call my parents mam and dad as they weren't good. parents. I will call them him and she. I can't forget the pillow case instead of a stocking They would put some fruit and nuts and if they had spare cash they would put a bar of chocolate aswell.

I never wanted children with what I went through as a child but as I grew older, found a partner and found somewhere to live my thoughts changed. I wanted children and I wanted to make great memories for them to look back on, something I didn't have.

I started my families new traditions when my first daughter was 3 so she would understand what was going on.I would make Christmas day last the whole day.

Once she had woke up we would go downstairs into the kitchen first to see if Santa had eaten the sweet mince Pie and drank the whisky. Her little face was all smiles and full of excitement. She would see the crumbs on the plate from the pie, the glass of whisky would be empty and see the carrot top had been left from the reindeer, santa would leave her a little present to say thank you. She would open that one first, we stuck to colouring books and pencils for then. We would then head to the sitting room where she would find all her presents piled up.

Once she had finished there we would tidy up letting her play with her toys whilst we made lunch, I would have the table dressed up. I would then hide another present on her chair so when we pulled it out for her to sit on she would get another surprise, this would be a present she had wanted usually a new doll or cuddly toy, as she got older this turned to jewellery. We would eat lunch then she would go play with her new toy.

Once lunch was tidied away and we had ate our Christmas Pudding it would be around 4pm, we would find another present for her to open, this one would usually be a board game we could all play and enjoy up until bedtime.

Then time for bed we would take her upstairs where she would find another present on her bed, usually a new pair of pyjamas and a DVD of her favourite movie for that year.

These presents were all taken from the pile of presents she would have got anyway. The excitement and surprises lasted all day, for a little one this made Christmas special. When my youngest daughter arrived we carried on with our tradition.


Now the girls are grown and my oldest has moved out we still try to make the day special. Whoever is here for lunch will find a present on there chair then bedrime they will get a surprise box with new pyjamas, chocolates and usually something funny or a DVD. With my oldest living with her partner I make a box for both of them, new pyjamas, chocolates and something funny, this year I have given them a make your own key ring, there is enough for them to make one each and one for each other, its a bit of fun.

I was hoping I would have grandchildren to carry the tradition on but up to now no luck, my oldest is determined not to have children there is a small glint with my youngest but not holding my breath.

Thank you for visiting. 💟💟

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