#97 Contest- the most useful thing I own

2️⃣ What’s the most useful thing you own?

I have different things but the most useful thing I have are my parents. Seriously, my parents have helped me achieve so much that I can't start counting, through God's grace.

I think without their help I don't know how my life would have been. My parents have helped me to reach where I am today and provide the necessary things to help my growth and upbringing.


I am grateful for their endeavors in my life and for the fact that they have not given up on me even when it seemed hopeless sometimes. You know it is always very difficult to follow something when you know that it might not give you your heart's desire but my parents never stopped pushing forward with their encouragement and love.

They are people who don't really think that their parents have much impact in their lives but I feel once you sit and look at where you are today and how you would have been if you didn't have a parent then you will see their usefulness in your life.

This is why my parents are the most useful things in my life. I would like to invite @wongi to join this contest.

Lots of love from jhymie🥰

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