Ladies of Hive|| Contest #184

Hello to all ladies of hive out there! For this week challenge, I choose the number one question: Motherhood is both rewarding and challenging. What has been one of your greatest lessons since becoming a mother?

Motherhood is rewarding when we see our children know how to fear God when they value theriselves, value us, respect us, listen to us, do things voluntarily without murmuring and they are contented what we can provide for them.
Motherhood is challenging when we parents don't have enough knowledge and skills in rearing our children which will cause chaos in our parent-child relationship and the worst is when our children embrace rebellion or they grow with hatred in their heart.

As a mother for fifteen years, the most challenging part of parenting is during adolescent stage.
Based on my own experience,this is the time our children are more emotional than being logical. My two children is now in adolescent stage in which it is very challenging in my part because I have to be careful with my action, with my words and make sure I have quality time for them. I keep attending seminars for parenting whether virtual or when we have parenting seminar in our community. I believe that parents are not perfect and children are not perfect too but there are a lot of parents who desire to change and willing to learn knowledge and skills in rearing children in the different stage of growing.

The greatest lesson I want to share is that being a mother we must have a heart to listen, a wise mind to think what right words to say and a warm hand to hug them.
I want to share with you how it works to me as a mother through the following 3A's:
1. Attention. Time is the most valuable treasure we can give to our children. I truly understand that as a mother, we need to give attention to our children, at times we see them they are exhausted, stressed out and feeling sick. At times, I see them like this, I let them rest and cook for them then when we eat, I make sure to make a quality conversation to them in simply asking "How is your day?
2. Affection. Action speaks louder than words. Well, I am not that affectionist but I slowly learn how to show affection to my children rather than other people will show them. It is very important to show affection thru hugs, tap to shoulder or touching my head.
3. Affirmation. I realized that children needs to hear words that affirm our love to them, how we care about them. At first, I am not good in telling "I love you", "Always take good care" but I have to do it.

As a mother, we have to guard our mind, our tongue and our actions because if we don't give them attention, show them affection and affirmation, surely they will feel uncomfortable, unloved and it will push them to look for someone or something that will satify them such vices, peers and having an affair even they are not ready.

Let us establish a healthy family atmosphere, a home sweet home, a home of joy, peace, love and security.

May God bless our home, our children our whole family.

[Photo collage by Canva & Photos are
taken from my old facebook account]

Light Blue White Clean Grid Family Photo Collage_20240507_200956_0000.png

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