LOH 143: Holiday family travel and my responsibilities

Travelling in the company of those we love is home in motion. - Leigh Hunt

I love travelling and I think most of us do. It will help us to relax for a while and forget the burdens of life.

Travelling is more fun and momentous if it is enjoyed with the whole family.

In every travel, we need preparations, we need budget, time and effort. Most of the time, women or the wife is the one responsible for the preparations.

What I need to prepare?


In every travel, finances is always needed. As a wife, I allocate some budget for family recreation and travel. We really need to save intended for this activity.

When we travel, I also bring extra money in case of emergencies.


I always do the packing and unpacking of our clothes. I prepare clothes depending on how long our travel will be. I always make sure to have a complete pair of clothes for all of us. I group them according to when we wear it. Before or during packing I always ask my husband what he want to wear so I am sure that he will like and use what I prepared. For my son, I always bring clothes that he is comfortable with. I also bring extra clothes.


I always bring medicines when we travel like paracetamol, antihistamine (cetirizine) for my son, Vicks and some ointments. This is very necessary because you don't know what the family feels during the travel.

Food and water

Food and water are needed anywhere and everywhere. As a wife and mother I always make sure that we have something to eat and we have water to drink when we need it. Water is something that I should not forget to bring because we felt thirsty while traveling and going to other places means having different source of water that we might not like especially for the kids.

Buying bottled water is expensive too so I really prefer to bring our own water bottle.

But in terms of cooking our food, I left the responsibility to my husband unless I knew how to cook that food we planned to bring.

Other responsibilities

I always make sure that all water faucet was off, the LPG was off, the electric sources was off and the house was locked. I am always the last person to get out of the house not because I do make a long time in front of the mirror but because I make sure that everything is lock and safe.

We also offer a prayer before leaving our house and before our travel will start.

Our son is also my responsibility during travel unless he want to be with his father.

Travelling will be easy and enjoyable if everything is being prepared.

Our Family Holiday Travel

Knowing a holiday, a labor day, my husband friend and workmates decided to travel to one of their friend's place at Kapatagan Digos City and visit some tourist spot near that place. My husband want to go with them but he want us to be with him. So, he asked me if we could travel as a family. I asked him how much the budget needed and when I knew that we can afford it, then I said YES.

We left our place in the afternoon before the said holiday. We reached the city at night because our van broke down and we waited for a rescue.

We continue our travel early in the morning and reached our first destination in an hour.

We prepared our food, have breakfast and have a time to stroll around enjoying the place so close to nature.

It was a great time being there seeing the greens in the surroundings, the blue mountains, smelling the fresh air and seeing the beauty of small rivers.

In the afternoon we started to travel going to one of the tourist spot destination in Kapatagan Digos City, the Jardin de señorita mountain resort.

We enjoyed the moment as a family and we really had fun together. We didn't missed the moment to have some family pictures there.

We felt so blessed seeing different kinds of blooming flowers that seems like smiling and welcoming us to that beautiful place. They look so beautiful in their different wonderful and bright colors giving beauty to our lives.

We walked, we talked, we relaxed and we enjoyed the beauty of nature as a family. We took pictures and have fun in taking them.

Our son became our photographer if my husband and I wanted to have picture together. We felt happy as he took pictures for us.

All photos are mine.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope we will travel with family and create memories together.

This is my entry for the Ladies of Hive Community Contest 143. Thank you so much @nainaztengra for the great questions.

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