Sometimes in the wind of change, we find our true direction.

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” ― Terry Pratchett

Change really is as good as a holiday and there have been a lot of changes in my world over the last while. It has been just over two years since I posted anything here or on any of my other socials for that matter. My hiatus was not a planned endeavor, it was just something which took a natural course - something I needed - time to shift my focus onto other facets of my life. I didn’t have any real intentions of coming back to write, or not coming back to write… but here I am. I suppose I have always been more of a instinctually driven person, so - “if and when” the moment feels right, then I will roll with it… so I popped my head in here on Sat night to say “hi” and get a feel for what is going on in the space and I suppose to steer a decision of whether I would want to continue writing here.

Needless to say - and I reach for the quote by Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr “The more things change, the more they stay the same” - I was not entirely surprised to see that despite having been gone for such a lengthy period of time, my brief “hello” post whilst greeted by some friendly familiar faces and comments… was also met with the same petty downvote politics which were present around these parts two years ago. Perhaps I didn’t say “hi” in a lengthy enough format to deem it worthy, or perhaps @azircon & @freebornsociety were just really unhappy to see me back here - either way and no matter… I shall choose to look toward the majority who made me feel welcome and move merrily along.


This space was a daily home to me and my writing for several years and even though I have had a lot of other stuff happening in my world over the last two years, (which continues) - I would like to begin blogging more regularly again, so I will see how it goes here. I have no interest in getting tied up in any sort of drama or politics (I never did), but I am also nobody's doormat - so if you are going to throw downvotes on my future posts, please do extend the courtesy of at least letting me know why in my comments. As for me, I intend to adopt the philosophy of looking toward the sun so that the shadows fall behind me and I hope that those around here who are less than pleased to see me back, will have the maturity to be civil if and when we cross paths, or at the very least to just “walk on by”.

I came here to begin sharing my writing in June 2017 and I wrote daily for just over four years. I have no cast in stone plans for how often I will be writing this time around - I just want to enjoy the creative process, the sharing and the positive conversation which comes with it - that is it. Life is too short to fill it with anything other than what and who enriches and adds value to it... which is precisely what I have been doing for the last two years and exactly as it will stay moving forward.

Speaking of sharing… A lot of changes which I look forward to writing about. We have permanently moved out of the city, moved to a new place, bought another, moved again and are now getting settled in our new home out in the country. My daily hours are spent solely on creative ventures and things which feed my soul. The decision to follow this artistic path with more dedicated focus came about after my moms passing. I suppose it began as a necessary emotional outlet, but it has continued as a developing passion. Healing from the loss of a parent (or any loved one for that matter) is no easy feat, and to be honest, I am not entirely sure we ever fully heal... we just learn to cope better as the days turn into months and then years.

Peace of heart, mind and soul - something I think we all yearn for, and something I have had to work hard for since I left Hive. I sacrificed a lot along the way, but I did it with a knowing intention and end goal. There has been no shortage of bumps and challenges along the way, but persistence and perseverance always pays off and now, I sit in a position where I can embrace a daily life which brings me the contentment I have craved for pretty much my entire life and I intend to appreciate every single second!

Yes, I am still a devoted foodie and my kitchen is always busy cooking up one thing or another. My latest hobby (and personal therapy) is the making of sourdough bread. I am thoroughly enjoying the journey despite still having plenty to learn about it all. Next on my "to do’s" is making pestos… starting with basil, because who doesn’t love a basil pesto… but at this stage I am still growing the basil from seed. I was gifted a really cool “Click & Grow” device a year or so ago, which speeds the growth process up dramatically, I will likely share more about this along the way too.


"Jude the Dude" and "Posh Pup" have both grown up so much!! Jude turns 14 in just a couple of weeks (where the heck did the time go!) and posh pup was 4 this year... but is still as posh as ever, lol! I honestly have to pinch myself some days at the fact that I am mother to a teenager and that in just anouther 4 years he will be 18 yrs of age - it is just wild, and I... am getting old, haha!

Nonetheless, the journey of motherhood has been my greatest blessing! Jude is growing into the most beautiful young man, despite the common teenage "stages", lol.

One hobby which has risen in the ranks these days too, is gardening. As most of you already know, I am no stranger to gardening as my mom was a enormously knowledgeable and gifted green fingers, hence my appreciation for all things mother nature has long since been nurtured... but living in the city, I never really had much space to fully embrace that passion.


Our new home however, has a delightfully huge garden and although I have not been able to spend all that much time in it yet because it has been a bitterly cold winter - those days should be behind us soon and I intend to spend a LOT more time there… which has already begun, with the clearing of a wonderfully large patch for my soon to be, walk-through (and definitely wild) herb garden!

One of the things I love most about being out of the city is all the space and pace of everything. Life is definitely slower out here and definitely matches the rhythm of my soul nowadays.


No doubt the question will come up at some point, so I figure I will just answer it here and now - No, I will not be getting involved in, "reviving" or heading ANY kind of communities - not here, on discord or anywhere else. This time around I am here for me - to have fun and enjoy the creative journey.

Goodness, so much has changed since I was a regular around here... Lots of adventures to share and I am looking forward to getting stuck into it! I would also absolutely LOVE to catch up with all of you and to hear what you have all been up to - so please do say hi in the comments!

Time to go feed my feathered friends and pour a glass of red as the sunset approaches.


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

“Life happens. Adapt. Embrace change and make the most of everything that comes your way." - Nick Jonas

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