I simply choose to re-edit my time… || LOH Contest #131

In the moments that I am alone with my thoughts, which are many and now more frequent, I keep asking myself, "What do I want my time to be like?"the answer is not so easy or simple, however my answer leads to two reasons: fear of leaving my comfort zone "routine" and the other, maybe I neglect my self-care.

In this sense, my loving and kind ladies of the hive, I can tell you that over the past few months I have required a large part of my time. But not only that... work has long and kindly confronted me with the question I always ask my family, friends and collaborators.

To answer this question of how do I want to re-edit my time? I have had to turn to a side of me, which seeks internal balance before giving external answers. To do this, I had to clean the whole house (literally) to be able to give an answer.

I have taken out of the storage room everything I do not use and I have given it away, recycled, repaired or discarded. I have dedicated myself to pruning my garden, painting the house (renovating it) to put it up for sale. I have taken out of the closets the clothes that have become too small or too big for my husband and me. I have also made invoices, reorganized my work schedule and organized the accounts.

For this cleaning (literal and symbolic) I need a lot of silence. One of the great traps is to think that silence is for people not to speak, not to ask, not to disturb. But in reality, silence begins with ourselves. I cannot ask for silence from others if I am not able to make my own silence to listen to myself, find myself, and recognize myself.

In that silence, I noticed that I missed talking to my daughters every night, as I did when they were little girls, today they are professional adults and many years ago they became independent. The books that were waiting to be read began to call to me and the long conversations and the laughter were missing... the need for expression on social networks began to decline, without causing me distress or concern.

It just happened the change.

I realized that I was working sitting, without moving, daily, at least 7 hours. I began to notice a need for movement that I had not perceived in daily occupations and for the first time in years I set out to do exercises, even when I was recovering from chemo therapies and managed to get up to act for my life until the sun (day) today, I have not stopped strengthening my body, mind and spirit, my vital energy.

Likewise, I listened and took care of myselfI realized how many things I can do in a minute.

Furthermore, I made homemade bread, called my daughters on video calls and expressed my love to them, harvested desert roses (they love the sun) and blooming in my garden, breathe in a minute 5 liters of air, connected with me. After months of internal organization, I feel full of energy again, and I start a new cycle of delivery.

When we are well physically trained, we maintain a healthy diet, we sleep well and away from the consumption that harm us, we will have the optimal vital force to live life to the fullest ... this is time not to neglect health, training and well-being.

How do I want it for myself?

I want my time to achieve great things and enjoy the road with discipline and dedication. I have relearned to choose and be attentive to every decision I make. Likewise, I do not allow, because I do not know how to say NO, to consume or dedicate my time to unproductive things.

Nowadays, I keep them at bay and well away from me, for example the thieves of me time. I don't waste my time on meaningless matters, and it depends on that whether I do well or badly.

From now on, and little by little, I will tell you what this journey of self-knowledge is. I assure you that the answers come when we are able to make silence, inside and out...silence to prepare the ground, order, prune, enjoy, watch grow, harvest, listen and re-focus your essence, being faithful to it

Something I like and don't do as much as I'd like?: going to the beach frequently and writing without interruptions. Something sacred: my family time.

Every minute counts to fill my life with fullness, satisfaction, joy, hope and actions of goodwill and to share this time with the women we make life in this community of Ladies Of Hive, spaces of growth, creation and union where we make each other and nothing like when it's our turn to honor those who opened and paved the way for us to fulfill our mission today from different and gentler realities.

Time, as a medium, regulates my life and that of all human beings.

Yesterday, as so often happens to me, when synchronizing my creative energy with that of my production activities in this hive, this question arose: "What do I want the next phase to be like? "This answer about what I prefer with my time, my wish is it to be in freedom, light, creative, generous, kind and authentic.

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