From my point of view || LOH Contest #123

1️⃣ Why are there so many people who are lonely? Why is it so hard for people to make real connections when almost everyone wants to make real connections?

Loneliness is a phenomenon of the last decades, especially in first-world and developing countries. With the new tendencies to be self-sufficient, the questioning of the family as the central nucleus of society, the fostering of selfish citizens who only want to see themselves as the only ones who can see the world.

Because of the massive mobility in the world due to migrations, the new social reality stands out, due to the exodus of a great part of the family members, producing repercussions in mental health, creating a world health problem due to the distancing of affection and closeness of the family, this produces a "deep loneliness" because in some way they are losing the enjoyment and growth of the family.

Individuals are and feel lonely

This has led to an increase in all the problems that have to do with depression, mismanagement of emotions, and suicides. In addition, society pushes us to an online lifestyle that makes us eunuchs to relate to, and we are losing the ability to search, relate and manage emotions in this regard.

For a moment I visualize those who are staring at a blank ceiling and lose the connection to their faith, to the hope of recovering and feeling human contact through an embrace, and who only have a cell phone as an anchor to be heard from them and for them to share how they are doing, carrying with them the harshness of isolation, the perpetuation of silence, of an absence, of an emptiness.

The double side of the same coin, if you change the way you see things, the things you see change their shape

And although everything can be exhausting, demotivating to see outside that those who also do the same in many countries suffer from loneliness, or little solidarity, empathy or consideration, when that misunderstood emotional feeling isolates the person and that while it does not heal its internal storms will continue to manifest them in their environment.

Even if we lose our way, the resources are always within us, and it is when this loneliness is positive to trust, to give us time, to persevere, to find ourselves again, to face the challenges of life with greater resilience, and to feel better about ourselves. Especially in these times of internal and external darkness, as when everything comes at once.

There are many voices in the world warning about this phenomenon. I feel that we should stop, relax... Not forcing things to look at every little detail and understand that what has to die is for new things to be born, in their time.

My aunt Diamora, who has lived in London for many years, tells me that people stand on the subway with posters of free hugs and people come closer. In Spain, the state, alarmed by single women on their own, is encouraging the gathering of singles for obligatory dates.

It is also true that sometimes doing things that we like, alone, and put us in a good mood, is an escape to take care of the whole being... and it is positive to make this "escape to solitude"+ as long as it is a "period of physical, psychological and emotional detox". A time to stop, relax, listen to ourselves, and take care of ourselves, especially in adverse times when emotional crises are present.

Today, we can participate in real but virtual relationships from the comfort of home, without having to pay for airfare, lodging, and all that great investment, and that is something to celebrate, although I regret not being able to hug, enjoy long gatherings and dance in the meetings in which these congresses always end... But we have to keep on walking the road...

2️⃣ What is the silliest recent fashion trend?

To answer this question and I do it with respect, I start by saying that everything is "a matter of perspective" and I think the worst, and to me seems silly, I've seen lately has been to see eyebrows dyed Burgundy, worse fuchsia pink to look like a Korean character that uses them.

End of the world!

To stop being yourself to live the unreal life of a comic book, or another character, because they want to live hundreds of lives at once between their reality and the made-up truth, believing everything that others publish, which is almost always a partial version of reality, recreated in a fantasy that is not good or ideal for the person who imitates them.

They ignore the real relationships of those around them, parents, and close affections, exchanging them for more virtual interaction, besides not letting go of the cell phone at all because they do not want to miss anything, experiencing at the time feelings of loneliness, abandonment, and exclusion.

Also in this order of ideas is the world of the "like" which keeps a group of young people in the "dopaminergic pleasure" that is momentary and always leaves them wanting to go for more, some have even lost their lives in it. They never become happy and experience less happiness that stimulates achievements of any kind, leaving aside the secretion of serotonin that produces the achievement of real goals and in fact is much more durable.

To create the reality you want, be observant as long as possible, without judgments or expectations, only with the intention and determination to "let go of control", without forgetting that sometimes it is hard to take the path because we sleep just like in a dream when we turn our back to reality.

In current times there is an imperious need to be everywhere, in every party and activity that sometimes is an extreme that others post, perhaps these situations arise from the ideal, positive and triumphalist content of celebrities, influencers, and even friends and acquaintances who post hyper-stimulated, always entertained, busy and full of material things, it is a "consoling fantasy" that makes them feel dissatisfied with their real lives in RRSS, creating a false idea that others are doing much better than them.

To "sell" the whole advertising industry only shows happy, radiant, smiling people... but few people find themselves, day by day, with that level of happiness, which leads them to great frustrations.

From the solitude of the morning in my office (home), unfiltered, au naturel, being me, and a cup of coffee.... I say "Yes" to life and love...

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