Date With The Girls (With Little Niece)

October 11, 2023


Edited in Canva

More than two weeks had passed, and all I did was spend my remaining bereavement leave fixing things at home, processing papers needed for my father's transfer of pension, and spending some quality time with my family. I'll be returning to my work in two more weeks. Leaving my family this time is difficult. Not in a circumstance like this. I don't have enough holidays, but there's nothing I can do about it. My boss even declined my request to extend my vacation. How inconsiderate she is, only thinking about her part, not mine.

Anyhow, despite the busyness, particularly going to different government agencies to process some paperwork, I take the opportunity to spend some time with my family. Time is uncertain. Life is. I don't know what tomorrow brings, so it's better to spend each day meaningfully with them than regret things later. Just like how I felt when my father passed away unexpectedly.

Not so long ago, I shared about our sister's date, and it was followed by another one. One day, I wanted to visit the city to process some things, so I opted to bring my sister and niece. I wanted to take the chance to bond with them, especially with my little niece, because I don't know when my next vacation will be.

Before going to the PSA office, we stopped by Mang Inasal to eat lunch. I've been yearning for it ever since I was in Hong Kong. I ordered chicken inasal or roasted chicken with halo-halo, a Filipino dessert with shaved ice and mixed toppings, topped with ice cream. Two of my favorites in Mang Inasal.


Look who likes chicken bones! This cute little niece likes it! She was like a doggie eating bones, lol. She would cry when we took it from her. She seemed to be enjoying her food toy, so we let her play with it.



This kid loves watching Cocomelon too. I guess all kids love this show. It's entertaining and
educational and helps kids learn basic English. She always looks serious when watching Cocomelon. All my young nieces are, actually.


I always love this view. Two of my young nieces are seriously watching Cocomelon.


That's how serious little Breiana is when watching Cocomelon.


Back to the date with the girls...

After eating lunch, we headed out with my little niece in her stroller. She looked so comfy and seemed to be enjoying the ride. She seemed to not want to get off it. Her mother and I are, meanwhile, enjoying the view. At least she wasn't having her tantrums. At that moment, I saw how my former brat sister changed for the better. She changed a lot when she became a mother. She isn't selfish and a brat anymore. She's more responsible now. I just hope her daughter won't be a brat like her when she grows up, lol.


The next day was my date with my mother. We went to the city to process some papers, so I spent some quality time with her. At lunchtime, we stopped by the same mall, went to the same restaurant, and ordered the same set of food.


Now that my father is gone, I feel like I just want to stay beside my mother all the time, until she gets better. No one could properly manage the house anymore, and supervise my younger siblings. Not my sick mother. What if history repeats itself? How can I bear it? How can we live without her? I don't want that day to arrive. She may look okay, but she's too fragile.


I wish I could extend the day when I am with her. I wish I could extend my bereavement leave, but unfortunately, I can't. I planned to have a vacation or getaway with my family, but I could no longer have it due to busyness with other stuff. Hopefully, I could go back home again next time with longer vacation leave. Or maybe, I could just settle down at home and be a digital nomad.

(All photos are mine)



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