The Robot-future. Ladies of Hive Contest #81

2️⃣ Do you ever wish for simpler times, or do you prefer the modern 'techy' world of today? Which would you choose to live by, and why?


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The Robot-future

If you’ve ever sat around at a braai (barbecue) with a bunch of teenagers, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the world was a better place before SnapChat, Telegram, social media and the Internet in general. People, especially teenagers, no longer talk person-to-person, they talk via a third party (app usually) and they seem to do so non-stop. It’s bad for relationships, lord it would be interesting to see what they’d do if they were denied WiFi for a week. Haha

However, if the pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that despite annoying teenage habits, technology is salvation. What would we have done without online shopping, Zoom and the ability to connect across continents with little more than a click of a button? Think about how much slower our attention to the dangers would have been without modern computing and the data collection techniques it has enabled. Consider that people would have died at a much faster rate than they did during the Spanish Flu, which claimed the lives of over 100 million people. What would we have done without the vaccine or the tech that allowed its delivery in less than a year, worldwide.

Technology allowed us to face the threat of COVID head on, we were able (still are) to work from home and STAY at home because of its benefits. Many businesses were financially strained by the pandemic, but imagine how much worse off they would have been without the Internet, consider restaurants : none would have survived at all without the option of takeaway delivery mechanism that have been enhanced a thousand fold by tech.

There’re many other advances that are making the world a better place in multiple fields from medicine to farming and everything in between. Consider lab-grown meat as an example; traditional animal farming is a scourge on the environment, it contributes to the depletion of water resources, the ozone layer and the land utilisation problem as well as being just downright abhorrent - animal farming will be eliminated in the near future, and that’s one win none of us should fight against.

AI and Machine Learning will eliminate many labour intensive, repetitive and boring jobs, which I think, is another huge plus. I know that many people are afraid of this robot-future, but I think that people will simply have more time and scope to educate themselves for better types of work that will result in better lifestyles for all. Access to education is already far better as a result of the Internet than it was in the not too distant past, but I think that information distribution is going to expand exponentially with the help of AI.

So, yes, I think the world is a much better place now, particularly because I can get almost any book I want (or movie for that matter) delivered digitally in the flash of an eye, and the cost no longer breaks the bank. Yippee 🥳

I invite @diebitch to join
Ladies of Hive contest 81

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