LOH Challenge #64. I love ❤️ you Sunshine 🌞



What are you most grateful for right now?

Thanks for the questions @kaerpediem :)

I know that this sounds a bit shallow, but it’s true so I’m just going to be honest. Right now I’m most grateful for the sunshine. This weird fact is due to the persistent, cold, windy, rainy and generally dreadfully *NASTY* weather we’ve had here in Africa since the beginning of Summer. By @m1alsan
Even today it’s a bit too windy to be hot, but at least it’s not raining. The sun is shining and it feels absolutely frigging marvelous. Some days over the festive season the fog was so thick here that I couldn’t see out of my windows AT ALL, really, really weird. Also, none of the usual Summer bugs have shown up - no Christmas Beetles, mosquitoes, even spiders seem rare. (and although this situation is rather pleasant, it's weird, weird, weird…like the ominous news articles about Climate Change come true)

Strange, hey? The sun waited until AFTER THE HOLIDAYS to show up. Yesterday and today are the first time we’ve seen it since THE BEGINNING OF DECEMBER. If it was just rainy, that would be normal, but it’s COLD (like autumn cold, like winter - you know; a different quality of cold!)

It’s much harder to get things done when the weather is inclement; laundry is impossible to dry and the tumble dryer runs overtime (I much prefer to hang my washing, outside, on the line to dry in the SUN, the animals don’t want to go out (I tried to put my Yorkie outside and closed the patio door to encourage him, the poor thing knocked his head on the glass in his determined effort to avoid all things OUTSIDE, LIKE THE GRASS!) It’s also DEPRESSING, SOB, SOB… I live in Africa, after all, it's supposed to be WARM - LIKE HOT...OKAY!

I want to braai (barbecue ), tan my depressingly white bod, swim, DRY THE LAUNDRY, walk in the SUN, and now today AT LAST...AT LAST… I might just get the chance. Shushhhh...THE SUN IS SHINING. YAY!

*Sunshine behind my almond tree. Yay*

Images my own, from LIL and Pixabay


Thanks for reminding me to enter @dreemsteem

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