My ways to keep myself calm and positive in reverse situation

Hello dear Hive Community.

How are you all !!
I am doing well and hoping the same for you 😊

My todays topic is on positivity which is very essential for anything we do. If we are positive enough in our life then only we will get the motivation to do whatever we want.


I want to share with you all the small small things which helps me to stay calm and positive in difficult times. I am a overthinker by nature and I get negative thoughts very fast if something goes wrong but as soon as I realize that my thoughts are going on negative way I start working on myself to make myself calm. First thing I am doing is put on good soothing music, good music has the magical power to make us calm. May be that's why the people who are practicing meditation prefer to put on soothing music while meditating.

Overthinking and negativity develop the binge eating habit in peoples so whenever I found myself in such situation I treat myself with some healthy food options like dark chocolates, bananas, raisins and all types of fruits I like.I read somewhere that magnesium available in Dark Chocolates helps to reduce anxiety. In my case bananas, oranges and dark chocolates are enchasing my mood immediately and help me to be calm.

I constantly reminding myself that I am strong, I can do anything, whatever the situation is I will take in positive way and do my best to beat negativity. I think the self talk is very important and with a positive self talk we can calm ourself.

I reach out to someone trustworthy like my husband or my mother to share my feeling because what I think that if we share our feelings with someone and take their advise, we can manage our negative emotions in better way.

I go for a long walk or play with my kids which helps me to forget about the negative thoughts.

I try to do the things which gives me happiness, happiness and negativity can't exist together at a time.

So these are few ways which helps me to keep myself calm.

Wish you all positivity.. Stay happy and blessed always.. 🤗🤗


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