Day 003:Ladies Of Hive Contest:124 My favorite memorizing technique.

Good evening wonderful ladies of hive I hope y'all had a great and lovely day.
As for me my day went smoothly.

I want to appreciate the people in charge of this community,they have been doing a very good job especially when it comes to the topic of the contest I'm very much excited when I read most of the contest topic and it relates to me in one way or the other.

        I love the topic of this week which says"once upon a time,I was taught how to remember the strings on a guitar by this very straight laced lady.she explained it this way" E- every,A -acid,D-dropper,G-gets,B-bursted,E- eventually.!!" It just cracked me up,so this week we want to know what what funny ways you use to remember useful bits of information.

Well,I can say that have had a lot of funny ways have learnt to use in remembering vital and useful bits of information, but I'll be talking about one particular way.

There was one of my courses I was having issue with and it was on a course called "GREEK" not just I almost all of my course mates had the same issues, Anytime our lecturer taught in class we we always looking confused because it wasn't our language and we couldn't easily grab it that easy.
So,one day during one of our lectures,my lecturer said he had an easy way to teach us how to learn the Greek alphabets.

He started by telling us that the alphabet in Greek are like this; (αβψδεφγηιξκλμνοπςρστθvςχυζ).this are how the 26 letters of the alphabet are written in Greek so we really had difficulties reading, understanding and writing it.
So he decided to bring out a very easy and funny way to remember it by composing a very funny song and trust me we started understand Greek anything we remember the song.
Greek is easily understood when you Know the alphabet then trust me you know everything.

This was how the song form of it looked like.;
A-alpha,B-beta,γ-gamma,D-delta,E-epsilon,Z-zeta, we continue like that till it was 26 alphabets, everyday we sang it because it was fun and then that was how I learnt Greek and understood it.
And it wasn't just anyhow person that taught us the Greek,it was a young, vibrant, handsome and good-looking guy,with romantic voice,that was the main reason we love the song and as well loved the course too

I hope I was able to contribute meaningfully to this group.
Thank you for the opportunity given to share such an interesting topic.

I still remain @itohowo.

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