Zombies, do they really exist? / Ladies of Hive Community Contest #130


Source: SvenKirsch - Pixabay

For some decades I have been watching movies and television series that talk about Zombies. I am one of the people who think that when the United States releases a film about something, it is because they have clues on the subject, since it is a country that is very advanced in research and state-of-the-art technology.

I recently saw some videos that gave me chills, it showed many people acting like in those Zombie movies. What was missing was to show one of those people eating another, but the attack was imminent.

This type of zombie is not like the one shown in the movies since the ones in the film are dead who come out of their graves, I don't know why, to eat other people, specifically their brains, supposedly to soothe the pain it causes them. be zombie. These current zombies eat their medication to ease their pain, as it (I imagine) transports them to another world where they don't feel their problems.

When I saw the question from the @saffisara friend I immediately thought of that weapon that I could use for a zombie attack, but now I ask myself a lot of questions, like:

2️⃣ What would be your weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?

Would I kill another person?
Would I kill someone in my family?

I hope I never have to do it since in my life I have only killed cockroaches and with some remorse. I believe that in the extreme case, as in an apocalypse, I would have to fill myself with courage to defend my life and that of a family member who is not infected.

If I had to choose a weapon, it would be a machete, since firearms use bullets, which should be a generous amount to cover any eventuality with large groups of zombies. The machete also kills them, it would only have to tear off their heads.



Version en Español:

Los Zombies, ¿existen realmente? / Ladies of Hive Community Contest #130

Desde hace algunas decadas he estado viendo peliculas y series de television que hablan sobre los Zombies. Soy de las personas que piensan que cuando en los Estados Unidos sacan una pelicula sobre algo es porque tienen indicios sobre el tema ya que es un pais muy adelantado en las investigaciones y su tecnologia es de punta.

Recientemente vi unos videos que me dieron escalofrios, en el se mostraba a muchas personas actuando como en esas peliculas de Zombies. Lo que faltaba era que mostraran a una de esas personas comiendose a otra, pero el ataque era inminente.

Este tipo de zombie no es como el que muestran en las peliculas ya que el del film son muertos que salen de sus tumbas, no se por que causa, a comer a otras personas, especificamente sus cerebros, supuestamente para calmar el dolor que les causa ser zombies. Estos zombies actuales comen sus medicamentos para aliviar su dolor, ya que (imagino yo) los transporta a otro mundo donde no sienten sus problemas.

Cuando vi la pregunta de la amiga @saffisara inmediatamente pense en esa arma que podria usar para un ataque zombie, pero ahora me hago muchas preguntas, como:

2️⃣ ¿Cuál sería tu arma preferida en un apocalipsis zombi?

Mataria yo a otra persona ?
Mataria yo a alguien de mi familia ?

Espero nunca tener que hacerlo ya que en mi vida solo he matado cucarachas y con cierto reconcomio. Yo creo que llegado el caso extremo como en un apocalipsis tendria que llenarme de valor para defender mi vida y la de algun familiar que no este contagiado.

Si tuviera que elegir un arma seria un machete, ya que las armas de fuego usan balas las cuales deberia tener una cantidad generosa para cubrir cualquier eventualidad con grandes grupos de zombies. El machete tambien los mata, solo tendria que arrancarles la cabeza.


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