England #116

Hello everyone, I'm Ipexito and this is my first post in the Ladies of Hive community and this post is about contest #116.

The question I want to answer is :

1️⃣ If you are to take a trip this year to another place or country that you've never been to, where would you go and what will you be doing there?


I live in Turkey and my country is a bridge between Asia and Europe. We have land on both continents and we are one of the Mediterranean countries. Our mother tongue is Turkish and we study English as a foreign language in schools.


Our English teachers encouraged us to watch English language sitcoms and movies to gain practice. So I listened to my teachers and started watching English dubbed and Turkish subtitled TV series. The first TV series I watched was Merlin. One of my favorite TV series is Sherlock. These two shows and many more are usually set in England.


England has attracted me a lot with TV series/movies and the accent and I've been wanting to go to London especially since high school.


I have never been abroad before, but England is one of the countries I would like to visit if I have the opportunity. It is a country where I want to get a passport in the future, save money and live for a weekend at worst, 6 months to 1 year at best. While writing this post , I checked that 1 British Pound is 22.84 Turkish Liras, so I have to save a lot of money, which is very sad.


Let's talk about what I want to see;

  • As a Sherlock fan, I really want to see Sherlock Holmes' house on Baker Street, the Sherlock Holmes Museum.


  • Big Ben clock tower which is one of the symbols of the city, London Eye, Tower Bridge are among my first things to see.

  • I'd spend some time on the Thames River and have a drink in a nice cafe.


  • Buckingham Palace is one of the places I would love to see even from a distance.


  • The British Museum is also one of the places I would like to see the most and I would love to share the photos in Hive I took there.


  • Last but not least, I wouldn't go back without drinking some of their beautiful beers😁🍺


Thank you very much for your attention and reading, see you again, have a nice day🌸

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