You're an Autumn and a Winter (LoH91)

"Ling, if I were a season, which am I?" that was my question to the husband a few days ago. "Hmmm... you're autumn and winter," he replied. I was puzzled and asked further, "Why do you say so?"

"Autumn because you have different moods. You know, autumn is colorful just like you..." he said. I didn't really get what he meant but didn't ask a follow up question. Guess I was afraid to know what else he thinks about me, lol!

"And winter because you always feel cold. You have cold feet. You stare coldly when you're unhappy and mad," he teased and because what he said are nothing but the truth, I just laughed and said no more.

Jacob Colvin

And those are precisely the reasons why I don't like colder and wet seasons. Summer or warmer to hot temperatures are the most comfortable days or months for me. I can let go of jackets or socks or anything thick and it's the time when I feel a lot lighter because I can be on my shorts, tank tops, shirts or short dresses even. Summer also means trips to the beach or anywhere else.

But I do wish to experience a fall season because we don't have that here in the country. It would be amazing to be in the midst of those beautiful colors. To me, fall or autumn represents vibrancy, joy and cheerfulness. Much like summer when flowers like daisies, marigolds, lavender, geraniums, zinnias, dahlias and others start to bloom.

This is my participation to the second question of the 91st edition of the Ladies of Hive contest, re:


And the narration at the start of this post kinda represent who am I in the eyes of my husband, lol!

@lhes, care to join us in this awesome community and in the challenge too?

Thanks everyone and have a fantastic mid-week!

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