Follow Me (LoH 124)

Doe: a deer, a female deer,
Ray: a drop of golden sun,
Me: a name I call myself,
Far: a long, long way to run,
Sew: a needle pulling thread,
La: a note to follow so(l)
Tea: a drink with jam and bread

One more time... follow me! Doe a deer a female deer... Dad sings comically while strumming his guitar and making funny faces and gestures that we would sing along and laugh too. He was teaching us the "Do Re Mi."

My old man was quite the teacher in our household and it was him who taught us a lot of things even the method of using our 10 fingers to solving our math homework. The thing about him teaching us was that he often added comedy so even if we were feeling lazy or confused, we would end up having fun.

Artem Beliaikin

I think the song above was the most common method of teaching kids to learn the basic musical notes back in my childhood and perhaps even now? But I don't seem to hear it these days though so there might be a new way or method for parents to teach their little ones.

I tried to teach my nieces imitating how I remembered Dad taught us when we were kids but they got really confused. It made me realize that the methods which worked quite well back then are no longer effective these days.

(Girl with Red Hat)

Another thing I remember was this mnemonic below in trying to memorize the number of days on the calendar months. It wasn't the verses that cracked me up but the way our first grade teacher, Mrs. B delivered them in class. Imagine a tiny woman with a voice so shrill it would grow goosies on your skin, lol!

Thirty days has September,
April, June, and November,
All the rest have thirty-one,
Save February at twenty-eight,
But leap year, coming once in four,
February then has one day more.

Guess my teacher's hilarious expressions really got into me that I never had to look at the calendar to check which months have 30 or 31 days.

I personally do not have any amusing ways to remember bits of information but these two stood to mind on reading the first question on this week's prompt.


Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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