My Dearest Friends


Dearest @Samostically it has been one hell of a ride with you my dearest friend, you’ve been an amazing friend no doubt and you’ve helped me in so many ways, there are times when we quarreled to a point that one would think we would never be friends again, we just have a way of coming back.

Thank you for introducing me to Hive, thank you for all your support. I still remember it just like yesterday when you said you were going to teach me something and that would be my birthday gift and look at me now striving to make it big here on Hive😃😃

You have been a great teacher, one that does not leave his student hanging at any time.

When Samuel just started teaching me


Thank you for constantly making sure that I always obey the rules of Hive. Above all thanks for not giving up on me, truthfully without you in the picture I would have probably stopped Hive right before I even started it because of its broadness but you were there to give me the extra push that I needed.


And for celebrating my successes? My friend I am grateful, you needed to see how happy I was when you said I was doing well, one would have thought I won the lottery because I was so happy, who wouldn’t want to receive some accolade from his or her teacher?😋


In this season of celebration, I want to celebrate you my dearest friend, thanks for all you do, may distance and the busy schedule of life never get in the way of our friendship because we are stuck together like gum on old shoes and you can’t get rid of me easily🥰🥰

I hope this letter makes you smile my friend.

@jhymi dearest I know seeing this letter would come as a shock to you, Lol, but I just want you to know that you’re one of the nicest people that I have met on Hive, your constant kind comments, relogs and girl you’re a K-pop fan just like me and I guess that’s what made us connect, We K-pop fans just have a way of finding ourselves wherever we find ourselves in this world🥳

@jhymi you write so well I must confess, I always look forward to your post on my feed.

Again, I think we sort of connected because we both just joined Hive and we are trying to find our bearing in the best way that we can and trust me we will get there, one step at a time baybeee. Happy Valentine’s Day Dearie ❤️

Your Lovely Friend

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