I love people, I enjoy being around them and most times I also love to think that they enjoy being around me too. Growing up, I got use to the fact that my dad likes relating with people and I guess I loved it that he was always welcoming and I knew I wanted to be like him. Sadly, as time goes on, I came to realize the fact that there are some people we just have to let go of for us to move to the next level.

Friendship is something that I don’t really know how I do it but I don’t find it hard making friends at all. It got to a point I couldn’t even control the number of friends I had and I became worried because it seemed like everyone wanted to be my friend, not just a friend but close friends. Luckily for me, I attended an orientation once when the speaker advised us to always make sure to choose our friends and not let our friends choose us. At first I was confused how I could do that because I’m already use to welcoming anyone who wants to be friends with me.

I did this because I knew I won’t want anyone to reject me as a friend too. The fact that we should treat others the way we want to be treated always came to my mind unconsciously and I lived by it even when I didn’t know I was. Well, who is a friend? To me, I’d say a friend is someone who is ready to be there for you and also correct you when you are doing something wrong and of course some other things. Having this definition of friend in my mind, it helped me shuffle the friends in my ship.

I’m a friendly person so definitely I attract people to myself so I don’t find it hard having people on my friend-ship. I don’t have so many limitations as to how many friends I want on my ship but then my ship is always open to whoever wants to stay or leave. I just do my best to give you a reason to stay but then if you can’t stay it’s totally fine for you to leave so you get yourself on another ship and enjoy the sail. I know it’s a beautiful thing to be in a friendship so I’m always happy to know I have one with someone or people and I always love encouraging others to also find themselves in one too.

This is my response to the Ladies of Hive topic suggestion by @merit.ahama and I do hope you enjoyed reading through 🥰.

The image and gif used are mine

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