LOH Contest Week #172// Love 🥰 That Transcends All

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Wonderful week to all my dear sisters in the house and all over the world, thanks to @meraki7578 for making this week's topic available for all and sacrificing to be the judge for the week.

The story that is making headline in social media now is Valentine's day celebration. Casting my mind when I was still in the college, as small girls then and in a boarding school we took this celebration so dearly. Every girl looks for a way to buy some special gifts for her dear one this period, I was a victim. As a critical thinker, I swinged in this way for a while but had to advice myself when I didn't just get a grasp of what the spending was all about. I saw that most girls do some nasty things just to make the day count, some girls also use it as a way of competition and I was not just trained that way and my mother back don't even know what I was doing back in school. Oh girl!!! I called it a quit.

Now that am grown and a mother, Valentine's day don't move me at all. Coming to the reason for the season, St Valentine was brutally mothered because of his affection for people now the day was mapped out for the celebration of him. I can say there is a misplacement of priority because what young girls and boys do on this day it's so alarming. There is this popular joke I saw from someone, that those that are born on 14th of November began a journey on 14th of February...I don't know how real this is but it's a direct attack on me sha because that's my birthday. So I prefer the day to just pass that way as any other day.


Even if I wish to change my mind it will be to show some act of kindness to people that are in dare need for help. There are lots of persons who are in desperate need for what to eat even if it's just for a meal but they lack access to it. The economy of my country has gone so bad that people are just stocked. So I prefer to use those resources for people like this than to spend it buy some sort of expensive things that may add less value.

Now, don't get it twisted, am not saying that all those are wrong, what am just pointing to is that there are better ways to things. There is also time fore everything, and in this difficult times there are better things to do that will affect the life of those around and in dare need. My name too will not be forgotten with all those goodness.

Do tell me what you feel about what I have spoken. Thank you so much for your time

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