LOH Contest #149// Most Embarrassing Event

The picture is mine

Happy New Month my dear sisters in the house and beyond. It is a thing much pleasure to be with you this edition. A big shout out to @elizabethbit for selecting such great topics for this week's edition. In this week's edition I will be talking on the first topic as stated below.

1️⃣ Everybody has one.... you know.... that moment when you'd like to crawl under a rock and never come out! So, we want to know what has been your most embarrassing moment ever? Details, please!

As one make advancement in life we come to the understanding of what we can say it is a thing to be proud of and a thing to be sad over when our ago is punctured.

The event I will count as the most embarrassing event happened some years back while in University. During my second year in the school I decided to stay outside the campus for the sake of convince there was a lady that decided to stay with me due some issues she had on the campus. With a good heart I decided to accommodate her.

As time progressed she became unbearable and I was looking for every possible means for us to separate. Then I communicated with my mother she decided she I get another accommodation which I got. Then a day came I decided to go visit some of my friends at the old compound and I met the most shocking event. This lady ganged up her bad friends to beat me up. Meeehhh, I was so beaten with several wound and I refused to fight back because that was not my upbringing.

Everyone that witnessed the event said I report to the school authority or the police. The police would have been a best option but due to the previous bad experience with them I refused.

This was the worst event because it was so humiliating. Many things happened after that but i will not want to bug you with those stories my dear sisters.

Thank you for visiting my blog

Stay Blessed

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